Nume și prenume

First name / surname
BARBU Andreea Andreea BARBU

Grad didactic

Șef de lucrări Lecturer

Date de contact

Contact information
Adresa birou: Sala BN 213
Office address: Sala BN 213

Scurtă biografie (educație, locuri de muncă)
Short biography
Andreea BARBU este cadru didactic la Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Antreprenoriat, Ingineria şi Managementul Afacerilor, unde şi-a început activitatea didactică şi de cercetare în 2017. Din 2021, aceasta este doctor in Inginerie industrială, cu distincţia SUMMA CUM LAUDE, titlul tezei sale de doctorat fiind „Cercetări privind îmbunătăţirea performanţei organizaţionale în domeniul serviciilor industriale”.

Zona de interes a acesteia se extinde şi în alte domenii conexe, aceasta activând ca specialist în formare în cadrul anumitor proiecte desfăşurate la nivel universitar şi naţional. Totodată, este membră în diferite organisme naționale și internaționale (un exemplu fiind UIKTEN – Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, din Serbia), dar și autoare a peste 50 de articole publicate în domeniul ingineriei și managementului.
Andreea BARBU is a teaching staff at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management, where she started her teaching and research activity in 2017. Since 2021, she is a PhD in Industrial engineering, with the distinction SUMMA CUM LAUDE, the title of her doctoral thesis being "Research on improving organizational performance of industrial services".

Her area of interest also extends to other related fields, where she is acting as a training specialist in certain projects carried out at the university and national levels. At the same time, she is a member of various national and international organizations (e.g. UIKTEN – Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, from Serbia), but also the author of over 50 published articles in the field of engineering and management.

Activitate didactică (discipline predate)

Antreprenoriat tehnologic, Management financiar, Tehnici de evaluare a riscurilor în organizaţiile industriale, Inovare tehnologică, Metode şi tehnici de cercetare, Managementul proiectelor, Ingineria serviciilor, Servicii industriale, Îmbunătăţirea calităţii produselor, Bazele managementului Technological Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, Risk Assessment Techniques in Industrial Organizations, Technological Innovation, Research Methods and Techniques, Project Management, Service Engineering, Industrial Services, Product Quality Improvement, The fundamentals of management

Domenii de cercetare

Research interest
Antreprenoriat, Servicii industriale, Management, Finanţe, Marketing Entrepreneurship, Industrial Services, Management, Finance, Marketing

Publicații relevante

 Cărţi publicate
▪ Barbu, A., Antreprenoriat. Îndrumar pentru lucrări practice, Ed. POLITEHNICA Press, Bucureşti, 2022, 181 pagini

 Articole ştiinţifice publicate în reviste indexate ISI

▪ Barbu, A., Popescu MAM, Moiceanu G. Perspective of Teachers and Students towards the Education Process during COVID-19 in Romanian Universities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(6):3409., FI 4,614

▪ Barbu, A..; Militaru, G.; Deselnicu, D.C.; Catană, Ş.-A. Key Success Factors That Enable IT Service Providers to Achieve Organizational Performance: Evidence from Romania. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10996., WOS:000726747300001, FI 3,889

▪ Catană, Ş.-A.; Toma, S.-G.; Barbu, A. The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Teleworking and Education in a Romanian Higher Education Institution: An Internal Stakeholders Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18, 8180. WOS:000681918100001, FI 4,614

▪ Mănescu, V. A., Neghină, R. A., Barbu, A., Ganciu, M. R., & Militaru, G. Analysis of SSL Certificates Trends and Extended Validation SSL Usage for E-Commerce Websites and Internet of Things, University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin Series C-Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, 2021, 83 (4), 201-214, WOS:000741473700017

▪ Andreea Barbu et al., 2020, Exploratory Study of the BPM Tools Used by Romanian Industrial Service Companies to Increase Business Performance, TEM Journal, 9(2), pp. 546-551, WOS:000537903600016
 Published books
▪ Barbu, A., Entrepreneurship. A practical guide, POLITEHNICA Press Publishing, Bucharest, 2022, 181 pages

 Scientific articles published in ISI indexed journals

▪ Barbu, A., Popescu MAM, Moiceanu G. Perspective of Teachers and Students towards the Education Process during COVID-19 in Romanian Universities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(6):3409., FI 4,614

▪ Barbu, A..; Militaru, G.; Deselnicu, D.C.; Catană, Ş.-A. Key Success Factors That Enable IT Service Providers to Achieve Organizational Performance: Evidence from Romania. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10996., WOS:000726747300001, FI 3,889

▪ Catană, Ş.-A.; Toma, S.-G.; Barbu, A. The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Teleworking and Education in a Romanian Higher Education Institution: An Internal Stakeholders Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18, 8180. WOS:000681918100001, FI 4,614

▪ Mănescu, V. A., Neghină, R. A., Barbu, A., Ganciu, M. R., & Militaru, G. Analysis of SSL Certificates Trends and Extended Validation SSL Usage for E-Commerce Websites and Internet of Things, University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin Series C-Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, 2021, 83 (4), 201-214, WOS:000741473700017

▪ Andreea Barbu et al., 2020, Exploratory Study of the BPM Tools Used by Romanian Industrial Service Companies to Increase Business Performance, TEM Journal, 9(2), pp. 546-551, WOS:000537903600016

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