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Nume și prenume | First name / surname |
MILITARU Gheorghe | Gheorghe MILITARU |
Grad didactic | Position |
Profesor | Professor |
Date de contact | Contact information |
E-mail: gheorghe.militaru@upb.ro
Adresa birou: Sala BN 229 Website: https://faima.upb.ro/management_colectiv.php | E-mail: gheorghe.militaru@upb.ro
Office address: Sala BN 229 Website: https://faima.upb.ro/management_colectiv.php |
Scurtă biografie (educație, locuri de muncă) | Short biography |
Este licenţiat în fizică la Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de fizică (inginer fizician) în anul 1984 şi a obţinut diploma de doctor în inginerie industrială în anul 1996. De asemenea, are o licenţă în economie de la Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Finanţe. A început ca asistent universitar în 1991 la Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, iar acum este profesor titular la aceeaşi universitate, Departamentul de Antreprenoriat şi Management. | He has a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Bucharest, the Faculty of Physics (physics engineer) in 1984 and obtains his Ph.D. in industrial engineering in year 1996. He also has a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, the Faculty of Finance. He started as teaching assistant in 1991 at the University Politehnica of Bucharest., and now he is full professor at the same university, Department of Entrepreneurship and Management. |
Activitate didactică (discipline predate) | Teaching |
Management, Marketing, Antreprenoriat tehnologic, Managementul serviciilor, Finanţe antreprenoriale | Management, Marketing, Technological Entrepreneurship, Service Management, Entrepreneurial Finance |
Domenii de cercetare | Research interest |
Activitățile sale de cercetare se concentrează pe teme de management, cercetări operaționale, antreprenoriat tehnologic, marketing digital și finanțe antreprenoriale. | His research activities are focused on the topics of management, operational research, technological entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and entrepreneurial finance. |
Publicații | Publication |
1. Oueida, S., Kotb, Y., Ionescu, S., Gheorghe Militaru. AMS: a new platform for system design and simulation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION MODELLING, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages: 33-46, DOI: 10.2507/IJSIMM18(1)456, Published: MAR 2019, ISSN: 1726-4529, Impact Factor: 1,825 (Q3), WOS: 461011700003
2. Dragoicea, M. Leonard, M. Ciolofan, SN., Gheorghe Militaru, Managing Data, Information, and Technology in Cyber Physical Systems: Public Safety as a Service and its Systems; IEEE ACCESS, Volume 7, Pages 92672-92692 (Q1), WOS:000477864400159 3. Sorin N. Ciolofan ; Gheorghe Militaru; Aurelian Draghia ; Radu Drobot; Monica Drăgoicea, Optimization of Water Reservoir Operation to Minimize the Economic Losses Caused by Pollution; IEEE ACCESS Volume: 6 Pages: 67562-67580 (Q1), WOS:000452454900001 | 1. Oueida, S., Kotb, Y., Ionescu, S., Gheorghe Militaru. AMS: a new platform for system design and simulation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION MODELLING, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages: 33-46, DOI: 10.2507/IJSIMM18(1)456, Published: MAR 2019, ISSN: 1726-4529, Impact Factor: 1,825 (Q3), WOS: 461011700003
2. Dragoicea, M. Leonard, M. Ciolofan, SN., Gheorghe Militaru, Managing Data, Information, and Technology in Cyber Physical Systems: Public Safety as a Service and its Systems; IEEE ACCESS, Volume 7, Pages 92672-92692 (Q1), WOS:000477864400159 3. Sorin N. Ciolofan ; Gheorghe Militaru; Aurelian Draghia ; Radu Drobot; Monica Drăgoicea, Optimization of Water Reservoir Operation to Minimize the Economic Losses Caused by Pollution; IEEE ACCESS Volume: 6 Pages: 67562-67580 (Q1), WOS:000452454900001 |
Alte publicații | Other publications |
Profil Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ess2qv0AAAAJ Profil ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gheorghe-Militaru ID ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4650-8427 | Google Scholar Profile : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ess2qv0AAAAJ ResearchGate Profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gheorghe-Militaru ID ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4650-8427 |