Nume și prenume

First name / surname
NEGOIȚĂ Olivia Doina Olivia Doina NEGOITA

Grad didactic

Conferențiar Associate professor

Date de contact

Contact information
Adresa birou: Sala BN 213b
Office address: Sala BN 213b

Scurtă biografie (educație, locuri de muncă)
Short biography
Olivia Negoiță a studiat ingineria la Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București, Facultatea de Inginerie în Limbi Străine (FILS), Secția Franceză.

În 2014 și-a obținut doctoratul în Inginerie Industrială la Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București, Școala Doctorală a Facultății de Antreprenoriat, Ingineria și Managementul Afacerilor, astfel că a devenit Şef de lucrări la Facultatea de Antreprenoriat, Ingineria și Managementul Afacerilor.

Din 2018 este Conferențiar universitar. Are abilități în Inginerie, Managementul afacerilor, Managementul schimbării, Marketing și Comunicare managerială. A fost şi este în continuare director de proiect, în proiecte naționale, cât şi în proiecte internaționale ERASMUS+.

Are o experiență de lucru de peste 25 de ani, primii ani lucrând în sectorul privat.
Olivia Negoita had studied engineering at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, The Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages (FILS), French Section.

In 2014 she obtained her PhD. in Industrial Engineering at University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Doctoral School of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management, so she became a Lecturer at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management.

Since 2018 she is an Associate Professor. She has skills in Engineering, Business Management, Change Management, Marketing and Business Communication. She was and still is, project director, in national projects and international ERASMUS+ projects.

She has a work experience of over 25 years, the first years working in the private sector.

Activitate didactică (discipline predate)

Comunicare manageriala
Managementul schimbarii
Business Communication
Change Management

Domenii de cercetare

Research interest
Inginerie si management Engineering and management

Publicații relevante

1. Demetrian, A.D.; Costoiu, M.C.; Semenescu, A.; Paraschiv, G.; Chivu, O.R.; Babis, C.; Moiceanu, G.; Negoita Olivia; Mates, I. - On the Reduction of the Biological Danger of Environmental Contamination by Using a “Complete and Reusable Thoracic Drainage System”, SUSTAINABILITY, 15 pages, vol. 11, issue 10, 2019, FI=2.576 WOS:000471010300156

2. Moiceanu, G.; Paraschiv, G.; Voicu, G.; Dinca, M.; Olivia Negoita, Chitoiu, M; Tudor, P.; - Energy Consumption at Size Reduction of Lignocellulose Biomass for Bioenergy, SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 11, issue 9, 2019, FI=2.576 WOS:000469518700025

3. Tiganoaia, B., Niculescu, A., Negoita, O., Popescu, M., A New Sustainable Model for Risk Management-RiMM, SUSTAINABILITY, Vol. 11, Issue 4, art. 1178, 2019, FI=2.576 WOS:000460819100238

4. Miron E. T., Purcarea A.A., Negoita, Olivia Doina - Modelling Perceived Risks Associated to the Entry of Complementors' in Platform Enterprises: A Case Study, SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 10, issue 9, 2018, FI=2,075 WOS:000446770200315

5. Chivu, OR; Babis, C; Semenescu, A; Negoita Olivia Doina; Iacobescu, G; Dimitrescu, A - The Environmental Impact of Ecological Rehabilitation Techniques Applied to Statically and Variably Stressed Welded Structures, SUSTAINABILITY Journal, 18 pages, vol. 10, issue 12, 2018, FI=2,075 WOS:000455338100448
1. Demetrian, A.D.; Costoiu, M.C.; Semenescu, A.; Paraschiv, G.; Chivu, O.R.; Babis, C.; Moiceanu, G.; Negoita Olivia; Mates, I. - On the Reduction of the Biological Danger of Environmental Contamination by Using a “Complete and Reusable Thoracic Drainage System”, SUSTAINABILITY, 15 pages, vol. 11, issue 10, 2019, FI=2.576 WOS:000471010300156

2. Moiceanu, G.; Paraschiv, G.; Voicu, G.; Dinca, M.; Olivia Negoita, Chitoiu, M; Tudor, P.; - Energy Consumption at Size Reduction of Lignocellulose Biomass for Bioenergy, SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 11, issue 9, 2019, FI=2.576 WOS:000469518700025

3. Tiganoaia, B., Niculescu, A., Negoita, O., Popescu, M., A New Sustainable Model for Risk Management-RiMM, SUSTAINABILITY, Vol. 11, Issue 4, art. 1178, 2019, FI=2.576 WOS:000460819100238

4. Miron E. T., Purcarea A.A., Negoita, Olivia Doina - Modelling Perceived Risks Associated to the Entry of Complementors' in Platform Enterprises: A Case Study, SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 10, issue 9, 2018, FI=2,075 WOS:000446770200315

5. Chivu, OR; Babis, C; Semenescu, A; Negoita Olivia Doina; Iacobescu, G; Dimitrescu, A - The Environmental Impact of Ecological Rehabilitation Techniques Applied to Statically and Variably Stressed Welded Structures, SUSTAINABILITY Journal, 18 pages, vol. 10, issue 12, 2018, FI=2,075 WOS:000455338100448

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