
  • Cristina - Elena UNGUREANU National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management
  • Rebecca Ana Maria CHIRIŢĂ National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management
  • Ioana-Alexandra SBÎRCEA National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management
  • Elena FLEACĂ National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management



competencies, effectiveness, manager persona, management, performance


The purpose of this paper is to provide an outlook on the role of the “manager persona” in modern organisational structures. Topics covered include key traits and competencies which contribute to the success in a managerial role, and mapping of management representation across the organisational landscape. The mapping looks at theoretical elements which support manager personas to drive efficiency at different levels of the organisation. By providing insights into the manager persona and its role in the modern organisational, this paper will contribute to a better understanding of how management roles can enhance effectiveness and contribute to organisational performance. Furthermore, this paper can be a starting point for a debate on the skills and competencies that managerial representatives will need to harness in order to succeed when facing modern opportunities and challenges.


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How to Cite

UNGUREANU , C. .-. E. ., CHIRIŢĂ , R. A. M., SBÎRCEA, I.-A. ., & FLEACĂ, E. . (2023). INSIGHTS INTO THE MANAGER PERSONA’S ROLE IN MODERN ORGANISATIONS. International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering, 11, 263–270.