
  • Martin FALE University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Slovenia
  • Bojan RUPNIK University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Slovenia
  • Tomaž KRAMBERGER University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Slovenia




Breakeven distance, rail transport, air transport, total travel time, transport choice modeling


In this paper, we presented a hybrid model that models transport choices across a selected geographic area and considers numerous factors. The idea of our method is as follows: first we select a point on a given grid of points. This point represents our starting point. Based on a specified radius, for example, one hundred kilometres, we select all other points on the grid that fall within that radius. These points represent travel destinations from our starting point. We determine the fastest way to travel from the starting point to all other points, whether it is by train, airplane, train and airplane, or any other mode of transportation if there is no direct flight or train connection. After exploring all the possibilities, we sum up the travel methods from the starting point to all other points. This gives us the predominant mode of transportation within that radius, for example, train. We declare this point as the one for which, within the given radius, the fastest mode of transportation from the starting point to all other points is the train. Now, we move to an adjacent point on the grid and repeat the process. Once all points on the grid have been processed and we return to the initial starting point, we increase the radius to two hundred kilometres and repeat the process. It provides policymakers options for various analyses, which can contribute to more consistent decisions when creating policies and building infrastructure. Our model will enable a graphical display of geographical areas where rail or air transport will prevail as the best choice of transport modality. The distribution of choice will be displayed separately for different trip lengths. Thus, it will be possible to distinguish between the distribution of decisions for trips up to 100, 200... 1000 km, respectively.



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How to Cite

FALE, M. ., RUPNIK, B. ., & KRAMBERGER, T. . (2023). HYBRID MODEL FOR MODELLING TRANSPORTATION CHOICES. International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering, 11, 221–226. https://doi.org/10.56177/11icmie2023.47