International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering <p>The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for academics, management practitioners and researchers to debate new concepts, approaches, and innovative practices to increase business resilience in a digital world moving through the crisis. Business resilience is an organization’s ability to recognize and adapt to unexpected and acute crises and represents a source of sustainable competitive advantage. A key aspect to investigate further is the link between digitalization and business resilience. Digital transformation has received significant attention in the last decade, but we need to explore how digital technological advancement can be fostered to increase the business resilience of organizations. In times of crisis, companies have opportunities to make fundamental changes, improve business processes, and start new businesses that will enable them to survive and thrive.</p> en-US (Alexandra Ioanid) (Mirona Ana Maria Popescu) Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The INNOVATION – TECHNOLOGY – PERFORMANCE TRIAD IN THE STREAMING SERVICE INDUSTRY. AN EXPLORATORY STUDY <p><em>The term streaming defines the relatively ICT-based service of distributing data – as audio or video files – in a continuous stream via a wired or wireless connection from a transmitting source to receiving devices, carried out in a continuous flow. This innovative service is based on sets of technologies that allow the files (which are desired to be run) to be opened and run at the same time as they are loaded. As an exploratory study, this paper focus is to investigate the conceptual model of multidimensional innovation – technology – performance triad (in that sense of a triad of possible triads) in the disruptive industry of streaming services, an industry that has been little studied to date due to its recent emergence and development. Several characteristics related to the innovation – technology – performance triad are selected, and a comparative analysis is conducted across three leading companies in this industry – Netflix, Amazon and Disney. As result, a guiding set of best practices related to the three pillars of the triad innovation – technology – performance is suggested to the main stakeholders. Finally, the contributions and conclusions, the limitations of the study and the future research are highlighted.</em></p> Denisa ILIESCU, Alexandra IOANID , Bogdan Dumitru ŢIGĂNOAIA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 GAMIFICATION IN RECRUITMENT AND STAFF SELECTION PROCESSES FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ENGINEERING STUDENTS AND GRADUATES <p><em>The current context of the labor market reflects a significant shortage of engineers, with an impact on the industrial sector. Against the background of the demographic decline and the limitation of the educational offer, there is an increased interest of companies in hiring students and graduates from the engineering area. </em></p> <p><em>Hiring young people, attracting them to a professional career, and creating a working environment in companies that motivates and convinces them to invest energy, time and passion in performing professionally as early as possible is not only essential, but also critical. </em></p> <p><em>The relations between the employee and the employer are changing, the labor market is in a continuous process of transformation, and the human and the digital part must be included in this process.</em></p> <p><em>The use of some innovative, digital tools for recruitment, performance evaluation and learning, such as gamification, is becoming a challenge and a necessity for companies in their desire to create a pleasant experience for the employee from his first contact with the company. </em></p> <p><em>The long-term goal is to strengthen their effective involvement in the company's activity, increasing the retention rate of valuable employees. Many companies, especially in the technology industry, give applicants the opportunity to play during the hiring process and, as a result, increase their chances of finding a job according to their skills, qualities and ability. </em></p> <p><em>The work includes a qualitative research that followed the degree of familiarization of students and recent graduates of UNSTPB (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest) with the concept of gamification in the recruitment and selection processes of personnel, and the understanding of how online applications, developed around this concept, should be designed to be of interest to them.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Cătălin – George ALEXE, Cătălina – Monica ALEXE, Andra - Sabina NEDELCU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 BENCHMARK STUDY ON OPTIMAL STRATEGIES FOR FOSTERING STEAM SKILLS IN ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION <p><em>Currently, in the context of multiple challenges and operating in a constantly changing environment, higher education institutions must adapt to new changes by reinventing new methods of activity and a new management model focused on establishing new competencies among students - the STEAM competencies, which offer the possibility to shape competent and creative young people capable of easily adapting to the new context.</em></p> <p><em>In the evolving landscape of education, universities play a pivotal role in shaping future professionals. As such, the adoption and design of innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) curriculums has become increasingly crucial. These curriculums offer an integrated approach to learning, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary skills among students, thereby equipping them for a rapidly changing work environment. </em><em>Furthermore, the increased need for adaptability of higher education institutions is emphasized by a new paradigm of education - postmodern education, an education that stimulates and maximizes the human potential of educational actors, as well as clarifying the need to establish new competencies among students through its fundamental elements: e-learning, e-tutoring, etc. This study represents a scientific exploration aimed at elucidating the role and undeniable contribution of STEAM competencies in higher education, competencies that are extremely necessary for educational actors in the era of postmodern education. Furthermore, the research carried out has allowed us to review the most successful national, regional, and international practices in implementing STEAM skills in higher education, on the one hand, and to clarify the most relevant practices implemented by the major university centers in the EU in integrating STEAM competencies into universities.</em></p> <p><em>Another aspect of the research was directed towards analyzing the Moldovan system of higher education, with the elucidation of the need to establish STEAM competencies in entrepreneurial education, a study that focused on the Sustainable Development Goals. </em></p> Nelli AMARFII-RAILEAN Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ROMANIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES: A VIEW OF THE INNOVATION SYSTEM THROUGH ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME <p><em>This paper is analysing within the framework of innovation systems the characteristics through the Erasmus+ programme for higher education for technical universities in Romania. The indicators are providing insights about the innovation system implications. The data was analysed using Excel for statistical measurements and comparisons.</em></p> <p><em>The Erasmus+ programme was implemented 36 years ago having as scope the mobility of students among EU countries, evolving throughout time and spreading even all over the world. One of the strengths of this successful programme is the innovative character based on cooperation and collaboration between entities. </em></p> <p><em>Research and development are one of the key activities helping the business environment to move on. Universities mastering the research and development activities and taking advantage of the exchange experience of students and staff can consider that they have some qualitative inputs over the performance of the business environment. </em><em>The analysis of this paper could bring to fellow researchers, the business environment, and academia a general overview of the development of the trend of outbound and inbound mobilities and the implications over the innovation cluster at the regional level.</em></p> <p><em>The purpose of this paper is to identify the trends of the Erasmus+ programme Higher Education mobility and main characteristics showing the character of regional innovation systems.</em></p> Andreea Maria Gabriela MILITARU, Atil KURT, Bogdan FLEACĂ Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE CURRENT STATE OF RESEARCH ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN METROPOLITAN AREAS <p><em>The rapid urbanization and globalization of our world have positioned metropolitan areas as focal points for economic, social and technological advancement. Consequently, the study of entrepreneurship within these dynamic environments has gained significant attention from researchers. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the contemporary state of research concerning the evolution of entrepreneurship within metropolitan areas and also reviews the current landscapes of research. As urban centers continue to grow and evolve, they have become crucial hubs for entrepreneurial activities and innovation. The article synthesizes recent studies on various aspects of entrepreneurship in metropolitan environments, including factors influencing entrepreneurial growth, the role of local ecosystems, policy interventions and the impact of technological advancements. The role of local ecosystems in nurturing and sustaining entrepreneurial ventures is explored, along with the influence of government policies and regulatory frameworks. By examining the latest findings and trends, this article aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how entrepreneurship is unfolding in metropolitan settings and to highlight potential avenues for further research, moreover it concludes by identifying potential research directions and implications for policymakers aiming to support and enhance entrepreneurial endeavors in these urban centers.</em></p> Andrei Iulian MĂRGĂRIT Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION AND LOCAL OPPORTUNITY IN THE RURAL PART OF THE METROPOLITAN BUCHAREST-ILFOV AREA <p><em>The concept of entrepreneurial orientation has been widely discussed in the literature, as it is considered a key factor in the success of new ventures. This article focuses on the opportunity-based entrepreneurial orientation in the metropolitan area, exploring the relationship between the local context and the propensity to identify and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities.</em></p> <p><em>It is widely known that the metropolitan area of Bucharest-Ilfov produces as many as 24% of the Romanian PIB, and the region of Ilfov has the 3<sup>rd</sup> largest population growth in the world. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of understanding the local context and the specific characteristics of the metropolitan area in order to develop effective strategies for promoting entrepreneurial activity. </em><em>Using a quantitative research approach, this study among the people in the rural part of the metropolitan area of Bucharest-Ilfov examines the experiences and perspectives of the orientation to entrepreneurship. Opportunity-based entrepreneurial orientation is influenced by a variety of factors, including the presence of supportive networks, access to resources, and the availability of market information. The findings of the study point out a fresh perspective on how rural entrepreneurs configure their businesses and access the resources available in their environment. Overall, this study contributes to the literature on entrepreneurial orientation, provides the actual trend of the incoming ventures in the metropolitan area of Bucharest-Ilfov, and highlights the importance of studying entrepreneurial orientation as a variable in firm performance.</em></p> Andrei Iulian MĂRGĂRIT, Alina Maria STOICA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE ORIENTATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION TOWARDS THE PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT <p><em>Sustainable development represents one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, but, at the same time, it offers viable opportunities to countries, businesses, and the population, becoming a development model that allows, in an intelligent way, to benefit from economic, social and environmental advantages. Sustainable development goals promoted by the UN, are included on the agenda in many countries, including the Republic of Moldova. Several actions are being taken in the country to direct state strategies and policies toward implementing the SDGs while also noting certain deficiencies in this process. An essential role in this endeavour belongs to higher education institutions, which not only must promote sustainability but must undertake certain actions that will cause a change in this sense within society.</em></p> <p><em>Providing students, who are future entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, will allow them to contribute considerably to familiarizing this concept within the business environment and the population. For these reasons, a study was initiated to identify the level of knowledge of the principles of sustainable development and the current perceptions among students from the Business and Administration study program, Bachelor’s degree, and company representatives. An online questionnaire was distributed among students and practitioners to identify the attitudes, perceptions and knowledge regarding Sustainable Development. The answers provided by students and practitioners will allow us to determine the existing trends and to identify actions for the development of sustainable entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova. Identifying existing gaps will allow the adjustment of entrepreneurship education to the challenges and opportunities related to sustainable development.</em></p> <p><em>The study was carried out within the Erasmus+ project “Skills4future – Developing and improving the STEAM skills of students and teachers for curriculum innovation and sustainable development of higher education institutions and local businesses”, no. 101081787</em></p> Lilia COVAȘ , Angela SOLCAN Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 IMPACT OF CHATGPT ON EDUCATION: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES <p><em>Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of this century's leading and influential innovation techniques. In various instances, it impacted every field, such as healthcare, banking, automobile, retail education, the food industry, and many others. Nowadays, AI has become one of the biggest challenges facing our world related to the quality of service delivered, the future of many jobs, the appropriate use of technology, and much more. Education is one of the most affected fields where the impact of AI leads to positive and sometimes negative outcomes. The broad consensus is that effective pedagogy leads to high-quality educational outcomes. Therefore, AI-powered tools and techniques automate tasks, personalize the learning process, and deliver real-time feedback. Chatbots like ChatGPT are one of the beneficial ways to use artificial intelligence in education. Large language model ChatGPT can create text, translate language, write creative texts, and provide helpful answers to questions. It can radically change how students interact with their teachers and the way they learn. This paper explores the impact of ChatGPT on education and discusses how it may automate administrative activities, deliver real-time feedback, and personalize learning. The challenges and opportunities of employing AI in education are covered, and a list of recommendations is provided to ensure that ChatGPT is well used without harming the quality of education. </em></p> Maha ZAYOUD, Soraia OUEIDA, Pauly AWAD, Sorin IONESCU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 INNOVATIVE EDUCATION - IMPACT AND BENEFITS ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT <p><em>In various fields or areas of human activity, innovation is used and interpreted differently. It is certain that without innovation no change occurs. In the educational field, innovation is a complex subject that needs to be studied from several aspects and at several levels: at the level of individuals who make the change or who motivate others to innovate, at the social, environmental, and economic levels, where some innovations are accepted and encouraged, and others are inhibited and undervalued. The aim of this study is to analyze the types of innovations in education and highlight the impact of innovations implemented in higher education institutions both at the institutional level and in social and economic environments. Several cognitive, analytical, comparative, and statistical methods were used to carry out the research and to reach the goal. The importance of this article lies in the broad approach of innovation in education, especially in higher education, and its impact on the social, economic, and cultural development of the region.</em></p> Liudmila ROȘCA-SADURSCHI, Irina TODOS, Liliana CECLU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A CRITICAL VIEW ON DEFINING THE CONCEPT OF FAMILY BUSINESS IN ROMANIAN, EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT <p><em>Family businesses represent an important percentage of the world economy in terms of global turnover and social impact by providing many jobs. The essential characteristics, such as durability over time, flexibility in periods of economic instability, and certain ethics promoted in the business, have attracted the researchers’ </em><em>attention, especially from the second half of the last century. A global analysis of this economic segment is difficult, primarily due to a lack of a unitary field definition.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>The present study attempts to present some definitions used in the most developed economic areas of the world, such as the European Union, the United States of America, China, etc., emphasizing the local particularities but especially the common aspects, based on which it will be possible to individualize the field of family businesses, considering the process of increased globalization of the world economy. It will be analysed the effort and interest of the European Union in developing a unitary definition of family businesses, starting from the national definitions, to create unitary legislation as an essential element in achieving cohesion at the European level.</em></p> <p><em>The methodology included specialized literature (analyses, articles, studies) on various aspects of the field and the research of some legal, national, and European documents related to the definition of the family business concept as secondary research. The present study is part of a larger research on the field of family business, focusing on technology-based family businesses and especially on family businesses in the book publishing industry.</em></p> <p><em>The study is addressed to the researchers of the family business sector and their managers to find effective ways. It means making the political factor aware of the domain's importance and creating a legislative framework adapted to this type of business's specific needs for support, promotion, and development.</em></p> Gabriela Doina STĂNCIULESCU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG STUDENTS <p><em>Students are increasingly launching firms that put sustainability and environmental responsibility first, a trend known as "green entrepreneurship." Students are proactively starting businesses that provide eco-friendly goods or services as they become more aware of the significance of addressing urgent environmental concerns. Students that engage in green entrepreneurship not only support sustainable practices but also develop their innovative, artistic, and leadership abilities. The finding revealed that they are willing to address more sustainable businesses to ensure future for others to come, but there are still data about green entrepreneurship that are unknown or difficult to address. In addition, the results revealed that green entrepreneurship could constitute a measure for helping the economy of a country. Students are bringing about change and defining a better future by fusing their entrepreneurial energy with their passion for environmental problems. In addition to improving their local communities, these young business owners are also encouraging others to adopt sustainable habits and advance a culture that values the environment.</em></p> Georgiana MOICEANU, Mirona Ana Maria POPESCU, Andreea BARBU, Anca Daniela MOICEANU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE FACILITY: INVESTMENTS IN THE ENERGY SECTOR <p><em>In the context of the pandemic crisis beginning in 2020, the European Union (EU) established the NextGenerationEU (NGEU) recovery package to shape the future of Europe recovering from the economic and public health collapse as well as fostering the ongoing efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. As part of these efforts, the&nbsp; Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is the key instrument to help the EU and its Member States emerge more robust and resilient from the crisis, face the challenges, and reap the opportunities brought by the green and digital transitions. To access the funding each Member State was asked to develop a National Recovery and Resilience Plan outlining the intended reforms and public investment projects. This paper presents the policy recommendations suggested to support investments in the energy sector as well an overview of the energy-related objectives of the Romanian National Energy and Climate Plan and a few of possible measures for implementing the reforms and the investments in the field of energy as they are formulated in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania.</em></p> Cristina-Elena LASCU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 TOWARDS AN INTEGRATED MODULAR SOLUTION FOR MONITORING AND ECOLOGICAL ACTIONS IN DANUBE DELTA <p class="Default" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10.0pt;">Wetlands, as ecologically diverse regions that provide a range of important ecosystem services, are under threat from a range of environmental pressures, including floods, fires, and poaching. In addition to these challenges, wetlands face issues related to the health of their fish and bird populations and the stage of their vegetation. Addressing these problems requires an integrated approach that combines advanced monitoring technologies with targeted ecological actions. To effectively monitor and protect the Romanian Danube Delta, an integrated platform of modular solutions is proposed. This paper explores the development of a platform that combines advanced monitoring technologies with targeted ecological actions to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the Danube Delta. The platform addresses a range of issues, including the occurrence and control of floods, initiation and extinguishing of fires, detection, and control of poaching, monitoring of fish and bird populations and the stage of vegetation - with measures to help their development, monitoring and improving tourist activities, identifying pollution sources, and acting on them. </span></em></p> Eduard-Cristian POPOVICI, Alexandra CERNIAN, Alexandru VULPE, Laurentiu BOICESCU, George SUCIU Jr. Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 COMMERCIAL READINESS INDEX FOR LITTAR® ASPHALT CONCRETE <p><em>The present study aims to introduce the use of Commercial Readiness Index (CRI) for developing new materials, i.e., the novel Littar® asphalt concrete for refurbishing roads infrastructure. The analyzed indicators outlined the factors within the technology development process, making up the CRI: Technology Performance (TRL); Market Opportunities (MRL); Regulatory Environment (RRL); Stakeholder Acceptance (ARL); and Organization’s Maturity (ORL).</em> <em>The CRIs framework helped recognize the KPIs within the case study’s manufacturing process. It also helps companies to understand and learn about the possibilities regarding commercialization of a complex product. The technology, market, regulatory, acceptance and organizational framework, with respect to the associated uncertainties, revealed in a simple and clear way how any innovative project risks are strongly influencing the manufacturing process and commercialization of any new product.</em></p> Laura-Florentina BOANȚĂ, Alexandru MARIN, Miron ZAPCIU, Bogdan-George RÂNEA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE MODELS FOR CROSS-BORDER INSOLVENCY REGULATION IN EUROPE <p><em>Cross-border insolvency within Europe has proven to be difficult for regulation. Several decades were needed in order to enact a Regulation on the topic. One of the most controversial matters was what model to be chosen for the regulation of cross-border insolvencies. The aim of this article is to analyse the historical development of these models up to the present moment and to outline their advantages and disadvantages.</em></p> Vladislav IVANOV Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 HYDROGEN AS A POTENTIAL ACCELERATOR OF EUROPEAN UNION DECARBONIZATION <p><em>In recent decades, the European Union has elaborated strategies and implemented directives to reduce the impact member states have on the environment and limit the effects of global warming. The actions aimed to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, increase the presence of renewable energy technologies in the energy generation mix and increase energy efficiency. Throughout the 2000s and 2010s, the focus was on incentivizing the use of renewable energy technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels, and even biofuels. Hydrogen is mainly used to produce chemical products like plastic and fertilizers and implies the production of large amounts of </em><em>&nbsp;emissions. Renewable hydrogen, however, is obtained through the electrolysis process that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen. The use of this type of hydrogen, combined with sourcing the electricity used in the electrolysis process from renewable energy sources and the fact that hydrogen can be stored can help decarbonize the EU. This paper tries to better understand the types of existing hydrogen, the rationale for which hydrogen is not more present as an energy carrier and highlights the potential benefits and existing downsides of hydrogen from economical, logistical, and environmental points of view.</em></p> Dan PALADE , Alexandra IOANID Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ACHIEVING RENEWABLE ENERGY TARGETS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE REPowerEU PLAN <p><em>Following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in late February 2022, the European Union acknowledged the urgent need to increase efforts to switch to clean energy sources and become energetically independent from suppliers that can be deemed unreliable and from volatile fossil fuels. Through the “REPowerEU” plan, first presented by the European Commission in May 2022, the European Union aims to reach fuel neutrality from Russia before 2030. The plan sets out a series of measures meant to quickly reduce fossil fuel dependency and accelerate the green transition. This article presents the short and medium time measures proposed by the “REPowerEU” plan. As a personal contribution, the author aims to analyze and review the targets included in the plan, in the context of a rapidly changing sector, as well as to propose some local measures to be considered for the following years</em></p> Dan PALADE , Alexandra IOANID Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 POTENTIAL USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND GEOSPATIAL ANALYSIS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING: Air quality in a large city <p><em>Environmental monitoring of air quality is essential to understanding the impact of pollution on human health and the environment. In urban areas, air quality is a significant concern due to high levels of pollutants emitted by transportation, industry, and energy production. Traditional air quality monitoring methods are often limited in their spatial and temporal resolution and can be expensive to maintain. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and geospatial analysis provide an opportunity to revolutionize the way we monitor air quality in urban areas. This paper explores the potential use of AI and geospatial analysis in air quality monitoring in the city of Bucharest. We present an overview of a specific supervised AI algorithm and its application in air quality monitoring. We also discuss the use of geospatial data, such as satellite imagery and GIS data, to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of air quality monitoring. To demonstrate the potential of AI and geospatial analysis in air quality monitoring, this paper presents a case study of air quality monitoring in City of Bucharest. We use machine learning algorithms to analyze data collected from air quality sensors (state-owned and private) and geospatial data, such as traffic density and land use. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of AI and geospatial analysis in predicting air quality parameters, such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides, with a high degree of accuracy. Overall, the study highlights the potential of AI and geospatial analysis in air quality monitoring in urban areas. By integrating these technologies into air quality monitoring programs, we can improve our understanding of the sources and impact of pollutants on air quality in cities. This, in turn, can help policymakers and urban planners make better-informed decisions to reduce pollution and protect public health.</em></p> Nistor ANDREI , Alexandra IOANID Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MANAGEMENT OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC PARK <p><em>Electricity comes from many sources, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Availability and environmental impact are two of the most important criteria that will tilt the balance in favor of renewable energies, at the expense of fossil fuels, </em><em>exhaustible and polluting resources for the environment</em><em>. Green energy obtained from solar energy with the help of photovoltaic panels is topical and in great demand during this period. Whether it's household consumers, private companies or public authorities, everyone wants to get rid of energy bills. Technological advancement has substantially increased the efficiency of photovoltaic systems, from panels to inverters and equipment for management, reporting and remote action. </em><em>Thus, the present work presents a management plan that includes the steps that an applicant must go through in the field of photovoltaic panels, from the idea to the commissioning of the photovoltaic park. Each stage is presented in detail. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a photovoltaic park are presented, becoming a guide that helps future applicants in this field. </em><em>It also presents possible questions that an applicant may ask, as well as the answers to them, so that if an applicant is unclear, this paper will provide him with the details he needs.</em></p> Paula TUDOR, Steliana -Valentina PUȘCAȘU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ASPECTS OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL EFFICIENCY OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BULGARIA <p><em>This article examines problems of an institutional nature related to cor­porate social responsibility and the socialisation of labour. At the beginning of the third decade of the XXI century, the role of business in the public life of Bulgaria is increasing. As a result, its influence on the economic and social spheres is becoming more and more noticeable. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the possibilities and methods for state regulation of social responsibility, primarily from the point of view of the design of institutions related to corporate social activity and social invest­ments. On the other hand, the obligations companies voluntarily undertake to imple­ment social policy in the interest of stakeholders along the five-level chain to pro­duce sustainable strategic economic-social solutions are also tracked.</em></p> Ana TODOROVA, Diana ANTONOVA ANTONOVA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 COMPLEX NATURE OF THE EFFICIENCY OF SOCIAL INVESTMENTS IN BULGARIA <p><em>Social investments implement non-economic criteria in investment deci­sions and thus change the long-term goals of business organi</em><em>s</em><em>ations. They have a long-</em><em>t</em><em>erm perspective and strive for sustainable and socially responsible results. While traditional investments are focused solely on economic profit, social invest­ments promote, on the one hand, economic growth and profit and, on the other – investment in people and society. The article aims to illuminate the multifaceted nature of social investments' efficiency and show that the leading indicators of its effectiveness should be tailored to the actual needs of society and the social order. The report presents a three-stage process of implementing the </em><em>s</em><em>ocial investments efficiency assessment, giving good examples from Bulgaria. The study also intro­duces a matrix of interaction between identified evaluation indicators, which creates prerequisites and conditions for the success of a business organisation.</em></p> Diana ANTONOVA, Ana TODOROVA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 “LEMON” PERCEPTIONS? A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SECOND-HAND CARS’ PRICES IN ROMANIA AND GERMANY <p><em>“Lemon” perceptions refer to beliefs about the existence of low-quality second-hand cars in the market. Such beliefs, as part of a wider socio-economic phenomenon named adverse selection, manifest themselves through risk-aversion attitudes, for instance, a decreased willingness to pay high prices for any used car, regardless of its actual quality. In the current work, we argue that the prevalence of “lemon” perceptions can be explored by comparing the prices of similar second-hand cars in two different markets</em><em>. To this extent, the current work advances a comparative analysis of the selling prices of similar second-hand cars in Romania and Germany by using data from online platforms dedicated to selling second-hand vehicles. Our results show, by examining the price differences of a diverse range of second-hand cars, that the price of the same car tends to be higher in the Romanian market than in the German market, irrespective of usage, but not of the brand. These results are both of practical value to stakeholders in the second-hand car market (i.e., buyers, sellers, policymakers) and of theoretical value as regards researching the adverse selection market mechanism.</em></p> Vladimir GHITA, Denis IORGA, Andreea DUTULESCU, Mihai DASCALU, Gheorghe MILITARU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MANAGEMENT ANTE MANAGEMENT: EARLY WORSHIP SETTLEMENTS AND URBAN PLANNING <p><em>This paper aims at proposing a topic less discussed: early human worship settlements and ancient urban agglomerations as the roots of strategic management thinking in urban planning and strategic development. </em><em>The purpose is to explore as back as human ancient times to identify early means for time reckoning (i.e. solar calendars) that made possible strategic thinking and multi-year planning. </em><em>The </em><em>solar calendar as time-reckoning system was an essential element for strategic, multi-year planning – corresponding to the basic </em><em>management function: planning (including reliable forecasting) – vital for designing the urban settlements, while considering the communities’ needs for a livable environment, resources and security, in their dynamic (population growth).</em></p> <p><em>The two focal points of </em><em>investigation (early human worship settlements and ancient urban agglomerations) are coherently linked by highlighting the essential dimension needed for planning: the time dimension. They are also linked by an arch in time that supports the results reported by archaeologists using top technologies: genetics and radio-carbon chronology. </em><em>Essentially qualitative, the study is completed with quantitative elements when possible. Mainly, secondary research (literature survey) is used, supported by primary research (as observation) illustrated by examples – from both the Romanian and international environments. </em><em>The findings are critically important for understanding the evolution of urban agglomerations and urban strategic planning from multiple modern perspectives: function/s of scientific management, current trends of strategic thinking, and current urban development issues (i.e. sustainability, smart city). Their implications are also helpful for both scholars and practitioners while designing, updating and implementing urban plans.</em></p> Cezar SCARLAT Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MODELING WEALTH DISTRIBUTION IN A SOCIETY <p><em>The interconnectedness of social mood, changing dynamics, income inequality, and wealth distribution underscores the complexity of understanding and addressing these issues. This complexity inspires researchers to develop models and conduct further research to gain insights into the mechanisms driving income inequality and wealth distribution. By studying these phenomena more comprehensively, one can aim to develop strategies and policies that promote a more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities, thereby fostering social stability and economic prosperity. In the present paper, there was build a model on wealth distribution and income inequality to help people understand the complexities of wealth inequality and how economic policies can influence the distribution of resources within a society. By stimulating economic activities and implementing policy interventions, the model provides insights into the factors that contribute to wealth disparities and explores potential solutions for more equitable wealth distribution.</em></p> Dylan BERNS, Peihsien SUN, Adrian V. GHEORGHE Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 POST-PANDEMIC BUSINESS EFFECTS AS EVOLUTION OF STRATEGIC THINKING: STRATEGIC NETWORKING AND DIGITAL ACCELERATION <p><em>The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has had both global and local effects, at macro and micro levels, shock impact and long-lasting consequences, acting as a threat mainly, and sometimes turning as opportunity – even as an accelerator of existing digitalization trends – leading to shifts in business models, changes in processes, and alterations in operations. On top of these, this pandemic has significantly changed business course, thus marking the evolution of strategic thinking. In this regard the paper purpose is to </em><em>investigate the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in a limited business area (strategy-linked and company-level). </em></p> <p><em>This paper is essentially qualitative. As methodology, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from pandemic start to-date (2020–2023), predominantly based on secondary research (literature survey, studies and statistical data) as well as primary research (observation completed with examples). </em><em>The results are selectively presented in two sections: (i) business cooperation and networking; and (ii) technology acceleration and digitalization as strategy – as major post-pandemic strategy-linked business results.&nbsp; </em><em>The main findings are highlighted and several provocative issues were launched. The study ends with conclusions, research limitations and further research paths</em></p> Cezar SCARLAT Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 COVID-19 AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS <p>The main objective of this article is to identify ways to combat misinformation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. During the period analyzed, there was a plethora of articles, a large volume of information from dubious sources, and communications from institutions that changed from one day to the next. This new context for contemporary society favored the appearance of fake news. Thus, in this paper, we analyzed data from the point of view of bibliometric analysis. Combating misinformation is part of the modern challenges of society as the level of digitization has increased and online and social media platforms are often the only source of information for the 21st century citizen. The results revealed that the subject was highly analyzed and expressed a direct link between the pandemic and economic development. Scientists started paying attention to the correlation between the two to see how the countries were affected thus, the subject is quite new In conclusion, if a century ago disinformation was presented in a certain form, today it is in a continuous metamorphosis according to technological evolution.</p> Georgiana MOICEANU, Geanin Georgian JURUBIȚĂ, Olivia Doina NEGOIȚĂ, Cristina Petronela SIMION Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF AN OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MODEL IN AN INSURANCE COMPANY <p><em>This research aims to present the implementation of a Model of Management System that drives Operational Excellence in an organization from the insurance sector. The novelty of the model is represented by the concise view over the organization, namely from five perspectives, respectively: the customer, process efficiency, team performance, skills and organization, mindset and behavior, as well as the proper instruments, implemented to support all these perspectives and which, brought together in the daily work of the middle managers drive the operational excellence. Also, the model brings a unique combination of tools used to form the management system, as well as necessary status monitoring and reporting tools, in order to ensure proper follow-up on the status, progress and results. The implementation of the Management System Model for Operational Excellence is conducted as a change management project, organized in several stages, starting with the diagnosis phase, in which an Analysis of the as-is situation of the departments in scope from the organization is done, then continue with the Design phase, in which the identification of opportunities of improvement following Lean principles is done, as well as designing the future desired system, Planning, Implementation, Follow-up/ maintenance. The benefits resulted from the pilot implementation of the Management System Model for Operational Excellence determined the management of the organization to extend the implementation to the entire organization</em></p> Irina COICIU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 CHANGES IN BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS: TRANSFORMATION OF WORK SETTINGS AND HABITS AS POST-PANDEMIC EFFECTS <p><em>The corona-virus pandemic has changed the business environment course, significantly and irreversibly. In this regard the purpose of this paper is to </em><em>investigate and highlight one of the effects of the pandemic in a limited business area: work settings and habits within business organizations. </em><em>As methodology this explorative paper is basically qualitative. However, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected, from pandemic start to-date (2020–2023). It is based on secondary research (literature survey, studies and statistical data) as well as primary research (observation completed with examples).</em></p> <p><em>The results are selectively presented in two sections: (i) pandemic’s transformative effects on productivity; and (ii) changes in work settings and habits as a result of productivity-linked, strategic decisions on business location. The main findings are formulated as four propositions meant at inviting to deeper studies. In addition, research limitations and further research paths conclude this piece of work. </em></p> Cezar SCARLAT Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PROPOSED PRACTICES AND APPROACHES FOR ADDRESSING SOURCES OF CONFLICT IN CROSS-CULTURAL AND CROSS-FUNCTIONAL IT PROJECTS <p><em>IT projects are becoming more and more complex, requiring a culturally and functionally diverse mix of individuals [1] to be part of the project teams and acknowledging that investment in diversity (including cultural) should be a “future focus for the post-pandemic world” [2] . On top of this, there are a few takeaways from the COVID pandemic also. If we look at it through the perspective of what it meant for the projects that had to find a solution, then we think of projects that had to deliver a product in an unprecedented short time, with people working in different domains, even interorganizational or private sector working with public sector (academic centres and government).&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>If we look at it through the perspective of what it will mean from now on, we can say that during the COVID pandemic working remotely was a norm for the IT industry, so there was a big investment in improving the tools and processes that supported this and will continue to do so. </em><em>In this context, where we foresee more and more cross-discipline, cross-functional and cross-cultural teams, we need to address the challenges of managing such a team, which could make the difference between failing fast or fostering innovation at its best. This paper`s central focus is the study of some of the biggest sources of conflict (when the IT project set-up involves teams that are cross-cultural and cross-functional) and addressing them in a more formal way, by proposing practices such as the use of an adapted team charter and a communication manifesto.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Daniela-Anca SÂRBU BĂRAR Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 HOW DOES PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY FIT IN WHEN WORKING WITH CROSS-CULTURAL AND CROSS-DISCIPLINARY SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TEAMS? <p><em>When it comes to choosing the project management delivery approach and methodology, internationally acknowledged guides agree on one thing: it should be tailored to suit the project. Finding the right method and approach requires considering particularities related to the project type, geography, and culture. Also, the team and stakeholders’ characteristics play a crucial role in project tailoring and adaptation. On the other hand, the project team componence and management has been considerably influenced by some of the 2022 global megatrends: digital disruption, labour shortages and diversity and inclusion movement. One of the implications and impact is the increasing need of cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary project teams that deliver IT projects. The aim of this article is to provide a reflection on how agile, traditional(waterfall) and hybrid blends in when managing IT projects with cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary teams. For this purpose, secondary research (literature survey) and primary research, some representative examples and observations based on the author's professional experience will be analyzed. What do we choose and equally important: how do we choose? What role does methodology play in this context when it comes to conflict resolution?</em></p> Daniela-Anca SÂRBU BĂRAR Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DISINFORMATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC <p class="BabstractE" style="text-indent: 0cm; margin: 0cm 1.0cm .0001pt 0cm;">The main objective of this article is to identify ways to combat misinformation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. During the period analysed, there was a plethora of articles, a large volume of information from dubiou„s sources, and communications from institutions that changed from one day to the next. This new context for contemporary society favoured the appearance of fake news. Thus, in this paper we have analyzed number of solutions for identifying misinformation and for a more accurate validation of information from the media. Combating misinformation is part of the modern challenges of society as the level of digitisation has increased and online and social media platforms are often the only source of information for the 21st century citizen. In conclusion, if a century ago disinformation was presented in a certain form, today it is in a continuous metamorphosis according to technological evolution.</p> Elena Laura DOBRE, Geanin Georgian JURUBIȚĂ, Georgiana MOICEANU, Ionut Marius CROITORU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 STUDENTS' AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS' PREFERENCES IN CHOOSING A UNIVERSITY: A SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS <p><em>The process of selecting a university holds significant importance for students as it shapes their forthcoming endeavors. Within this article, an examination of student preferences is undertaken through sociological research. The research methodology encompasses an analysis of the factors impacting the decision-making process related to university selection. Moreover, an emphasis is placed on illuminating the inclinations and priorities of students. Furthermore, the article combines literary research with surveying a number of students to achieve the desired results, alongside an exploration of the ramifications inferred from the research outcomes. As a culmination, practical guidance is furnished to aid students navigating the university selection journey, grounded in the insights derived from the conducted sociological study.</em></p> Gabriel PETREA, Roxana – Adriana PUIU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 NETFLIX’S SECRET PATH TO THE TOP: ANALYZING THE TRIAD INNOVATION – TECHNOLOGY – PERFORMANCE <p><em>The term triad represents a complex concept widespread in various fields of scientific research or general knowledge, defining conceptual constructs based on a set of three interrelated elements. The authors suggest that triad of innovation–technology–performance, together with capital movements, represent factors that decisively contribute to economic growth. Starting from the triadic conceptual model of innovation–technology–performance, the current study aims to pursue the analysis of each component of the model within Netflix, a leading company with a high business performance in the entertainment industry, and to validate within it the hypothesis according to which investments in research and development (R&amp;D) significantly contribute to a high profitability. To verify the implicit link between R&amp;D investment and profitability measured by profit margin, the correlation coefficient will be calculated. Netflix is a global leader of the entertainment industry, a disruptor of the consumer’s way of enjoying free time while being a business and a technological innovator. It counts a high number of subscribers spread in almost 200 countries, which have the possibility to enjoy anytime and anywhere, on a diverse number of devices, a high-quality digital content by the means of a wide number of entertainment products like TV series, documentaries and movies transmitted through the streaming technology. The company that is publicly traded, has surpassed all the industry’s competitors and the present paper focuses on studying the Netflix’s model of success, based on the interconnection between intensive innovation, latest technologies and a high performance, elements which have ensured an organic evolution and the top position by counting the number of subscribers, in a highly competitive and ever-changing market, the investments in innovation and state-of-the-art technology being reflected in company's superior performance. Encouraging results and conclusions open possible investigation paths to other companies and industries.</em></p> Denisa ILIESCU , Bogdan Dumitru ȚIGĂNOAIA, Alexandra IOANID Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE USE OF NEW EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR PREPARING STUDENTS IN ENGINEERING : An innovative perspective on entrepreneurship and competitiveness <p><em>This paper aims to explore the use of new educational technologies for preparing students in engineering, with a focus on innovative approaches to entrepreneurship and competitiveness. The study was conducted using mixed-methods approach, including a literature review and a survey of high school students in Bucharest, using a questionnaire as the research instrument. </em></p> <p><em>The implications of this study are significant for both academics and practitioners in the field of engineering education. By highlighting the perspectives and needs of high schools students, this paper provides insights into the potential of new technologies to enhance the quality of education and prepare students for future careers in engineering. These findings can inform the development of new research and practice methodologies in the field. </em></p> <p><em>The key contribution of this paper is to demonstrate the unique value of new educational technologies for preparing students in engineering, as well as the potential of survey research in understanding student perspectives and needs. By highlighting the importance of innovative approaches to entrepreneurship and competitiveness, this paper offers an original perspective on the potential of these technologies to enhance the quality of engineering education and prepare students for future success. </em></p> Florentina Alina GRIGORESCU (PÎRVU) Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 STUDY ON THE USE OF DIGITAL PLATFORMS <p class="Standard" style="text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif';">The explosive technological evolution of recent years has allowed not only a considerable reduction in the size of storage and data management devices but also the ever-higher performance of these devices and their ever-wider availability, so very easy access to ever-higher performance. The situation has enormous advantages, obviously, but it also requires precautions or at least rules for using and/or accessing the applications offered by this unprecedented advance in technology. This article presents a study on the use of platforms to determine what are the main reasons why people use platforms and what are the problems encountered, and possible solutions to solve these problems or to reduce their effects.</span></em></p> Raluca-Georgiana ION (POPA), Georgian ANDREI, Ștefania-Maria ARMĂȘELU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 STUDY ON THE CREATION OF SOME DIGITAL PLATFORMS <p class="Standard" style="text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif';">The transformative events of the year 2020 brought into sharp focus the notion that the seemingly boundless technological resources at our disposal have yet to be fully harnessed. Amid these developments, the act of building a website emerged as a tangible and hands-on approach to both practice programming skills and acquire essential new technological proficiencies. At its core, an online platform can be defined as "a website designed with the sole purpose of enabling interaction among its users." These platforms are often rooted in the idea of community, encompassing the myriad facets of social interaction, collaboration, and engagement that this concept entails. In practical terms, the development of an online platform follows a trajectory like that of any other web project. It necessitates meticulous development, a designated IP address, and, when applicable, a domain name linked to that IP to ensure accessibility. This article serves as a conduit for a comprehensive study that delves into the art of platform creation while systematically identifying the challenges that invariably emerge along this creative journey. The primary objective of this research endeavor is to illuminate pathways for enhancing the quality of platforms, particularly in response to the ever-evolving landscape of market dynamics and user requirements. By dissecting the intricacies of platform development, this study seeks to contribute valuable insights that can empower creators to navigate the evolving digital terrain with competence and innovation.</span></em></p> Raluca-Georgiana ION (POPA), Georgian ANDREI, Ștefania-Maria ARMĂȘELU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF MARITIME CONTAINER TRAFFIC IN THE PORTS OF THE BLACK SEA BASIN <p><em>Almost 70 years since the first standardized containers were handled and this mode of transport began to take shape worldwide, container shipping is on an upward slope in terms of its role in international maritime trade. Also, the demand for the development of this means of transport has led to the need to design specialized ships with increasingly larger capacities, in 2022 the threshold of 24,000 TEUs was exceeded (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit –TEU is foremost used to describe a twenty-foot shipping container). Hence, the implementation of changes in the maritime field highlighting only three issues of this kind: the vision for the development of multimodal transport, the configuration of terminals specialized in handling containers (SCT – Specialized Container Terminal), the expansion of the limits regarding the width of some key locks for trade between the Pacific and Atlantic ports and not only.</em></p> <p><em>The paper analyzes the aspects regarding the development of maritime container transport in close connection with the situation regarding container traffic in the ports of the Black Sea basin. The changes that occurred in each Black Sea container handling port during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as those caused by the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine (transport routes, quantities, current and future needs), are analyzed and presented.</em></p> George - Cosmin PARTENE, Dragoș SIMION, Sorin IONESCU, Florin NICOLAE, Alexandru COTORCEA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 BEHIND THE SCREENS : DEVELOPERS'INSIGHTS ON ENHANCING PUBLIC SERVICES THROUGH DIGITIZATION <p><em>In this study, software engineers' perspectives on the benefits and difficulties of digitizing public services are explored. The authors gathered information using qualitative research, which included a focus group. The study reveals advantages like faster access to data and process automation, as well as drawbacks like expensive infrastructure expenses and institutional opposition. While increasing data management, accessibility, and administrative effectiveness, digitalization also raises new integration, security, and communication challenges. The results provide knowledge for future research on technology adoption in public institutions and aid in understanding the successful growth of digital public services.</em></p> Andreea BARBU, Georgiana MOICEANU, Cristina SIMION, Ştefan CATANĂ, Jilan KESHTA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BETWEEN CONTROVERSIES AND REGULATIONS <p><em>The paper aims to present the results of the studies carried out over time worldwide, and especially in the last seven years, when the field of artificial intelligence begins to produce consequences of which human society begins to be aware, and for which it is imperative to the field to be regulated legislatively. In our country, Romania, the first National Strategy on AI was drawn up in 2019, but real concerns were manifested only in 2022. </em></p> <p><em>At the level of the European Union, the EU Act on AI of July 28<sup>th</sup>, 2023, wants to regulate work with AI. Academics are concerned about various unclear elements in the proposal, such as the broad definition of what constitutes AI, and fear the legal implications, in particular, for vulnerable groups such as patients and immigrants. The law classifies AI applications into four risk groups: low, limited, high, and unacceptable. </em><em>The problem of bias in machine learning is likely to become more significant as technology spreads to critical fields such as medicine and law and as more people without deep technical understanding are tasked with implementing it. Some experts warn that algorithmic bias is already pervasive in many industries and that almost no one is trying to identify or correct it. Some solutions are mentioned to deal with the challenges caused by AI and rapid technological development affecting jobs.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Cătălina – Monica ALEXE, Cătălin – George ALEXE Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN OVERVIEW OF AI AND GEOSPATIAL DATA TOWARDS IMPROVED STRATEGIC DECISIONS AND AUTOMATED BUSINESS DECISION PROCESS <p><em>In recent years, the availability and accessibility of geospatial data have greatly increased, providing valuable information for various industries such as transportation, real estate, and retail. However, the great volume and complexity of this data can make it difficult for businesses to extract meaningful insights. By incorporating AI algorithms such as machine learning or deep learning techniques, businesses can more effectively manage, analyze and interpret the data. This paper provides an overview of the current challenges and opportunities in using geospatial data for business decision-making and explores how artificial intelligence (AI) techniques can be applied to better in-form strategic decisions and improve operational efficiency. The study aims to identify best practices and design principles for creating effective automated decision-making systems using AI and geospatial data. A systematic review of the literature was conducted to address the research questions, which revealed that despite challenges, geospatial data presents numerous opportunities for business decision-making. The results suggest that integrating AI techniques can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of geospatial data analysis, enabling organizations to make more informed strategic decisions. This study highlights the importance of adopting best practices and design principles to maximize the benefits of geospatial data and AI for business decision-making. Overall, this paper argues that the integration of AI and geospatial data analysis has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses make decisions and gain insights from their data</em></p> Nistor ANDREI , Cezar SCARLAT Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S MOST VALUABLE BRANDS IN THE PERIOD 2021-2023 <p><em>In nowadays economic context, when, in many situations, the perception is more important than the reality, it is relevant to understand which is the attitude of the customers regarding a brand. Thus, brand value is an important part of any company’s intangible assets. In the period 2021-2023, the United States of America’s brands dominated the hierarchy of the top ten world’s most valuable brands. The aim of the paper is to analyze the evolution of the United States of America’s most valuable brands by brand value in the period 2021-2023. Moreover, the study shows and analyzes the main industries represented in the top 10 of the United States of America’s most valuable brands in the period 2021-2023. The research was based on a quantitative method. The paper demonstrates that the brand value of the Americas’ most valuable brands grew in the period 2021-2023. Also, the paper highlights the battle for supremacy between Apple and Amazon.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ştefan-Alexandru CATANĂ, Andreea BARBU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE QUANTIFICATION OF THE TIME SAVED BY THE PROFESSORS THROUGH THE INTRODUCTION OF THE ELECTRONIC EVALUATION <p><em>Technology is evolving with an astonishing speed and because of this fact, more and more high specialized jobs tend to be replaced by different equipment with specialized software and, in some cases, even by robots, with the clear purpose of achieving high efficiency, lower costs, and an increase in the customer service level. At the supermarket, anyone can scan its products, in the bus, the ticket payment can be made by using a card, without having to buy a ticket sold by a person, a lot of local taxes can be paid online, and the examples can go on. In this context, it’s a little bit weird that </em><em>in education, technology is still a step down behind the normal pace in other fields. That’s why this paper wants to prove that also in education, technology can have a huge impact in increasing substantially the efficiency of the activities performed by the professors while at the same time increasing the quality of the evaluation process and allowing the professor to have more time for preparation, research, materials writing, or just for relaxing and improving its mind set for outstanding performance in front of the students.</em></p> Claudiu Adrian PURDESCU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 INCORPORATING TECHNICAL AND BUSINESS PERSPECTIVES OF LOGISTICS IN THE E-COMMERCE ENVIRONMENT: <p><em>Among the most prominent issues currently facing E-commerce service optimization and study is comprehension of how to effectively implement different logistics optimization approaches and paradigms under a coherent framework, connecting them to the company’s business functions and objectives. The current empirical E-commerce-related logistics literature contains knowledge gaps regarding the business process and technical aspects of E-commerce business models. Therefore, this study systematically reviews extant empirical studies regarding ways in which E-commerce logistics processes could be more efficiently managed in organizations by integrating technical and business perspectives. One of the gaps identified, is the empirical testing of a consistent business strategy regarding the E-commerce business model incorporating the view of customer-perceived performance concerning the E-commerce logistics architecture. Because of the analysis and processing of the findings, this study offers a perspective of the status of the literature in the field as well as providing a view of the main dimensions in optimizing a logistics system in an E-commerce environment. Statistical analyses regarding the main countries of origin, institutional affiliations and thematic distribution of the studies selected in the sample used in this article were performed.&nbsp; This article contributes to the E-commerce logistics body of knowledge by covering the trends the current literature regarding the most prolific topics, countries of origin and publications as well as identifying knowledge gaps and thereby offering actionable insights into E-commerce business practice and logistics optimization. Thereby, this study is guiding managers’ approach to managing E-commerce logistics optimization projects by underscoring the need for a holistic approach that incorporates all approaches in a structured manner by viewing the technological and business dimensions as interconnected. Lastly, promising future research opportunities are identified to move the E-commerce logistics research forward.</em></p> Andrei TIME, Sorin IONESCU, Diego Augusto de Jesus PACHECO Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROMANIAN BOOK PUBLISHING INDUSTRY: AN IT-CONNECTED INDUSTRY <p><em>The book publishing industry represents one of the most complex fields of activity, combining artistic and editorial creation with the specific technologies of book production and all the processes necessary for its sale. The field's evolution is closely related to the level of technological development of society, becoming very dynamic since the second half of the last century. In the last 50 years, the great qualitative leaps of the industry occurred with the development of digital technology that became the main technical support of the field. </em><em>This article highlights certain aspects of the evolution of the book publishing industry in Romania in the last 30 years since the first private publishing houses appeared. The study focuses on the domain evolution in close connection with that of digital technology in recent decades. A series of negative influences suffered by publishing houses during this period are also presented, such as restructuring and reorganizations caused by economic crises, the Covid-19 pandemic, etc. </em><em>The methodology is based on the analysis of recent studies and articles, as well as secondary research based on the analysis of large publishing houses' websites, as well as analyses and annual reports carried out by Romanian institutions. The study has a more qualitative character, determined by the difficulties encountered in conducting a rigorous industry analysis. </em><em>The article is part of a larger research into the business of the book publishing industry, research that attempts to provide an overview of the field and the issues facing publishers. </em><em>The study's conclusions are addressed to analysts and researchers, especially leaders and managers in the book publishing industry, who must be aware of the domain importance of national culture. </em><em>They need to focus on getting political decision-makers to update the legislation according to the specific, current, prospective requirements to support and develop the sector.</em></p> Gabriela Doina STĂNCIULESCU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE CURRENT STATE OF PUBLIC SERVICES DIGITALIZATION: A CASE STUDY OF ROMANIA <p><em>As the digital revolution reshapes societies and economies worldwide, understanding the current state of digitalization and its impact on public services is crucial for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. This article presents an in-depth examination of Romania's digitalization landscape, with a particular focus on the efforts undertaken by the government to advance public digital services. Leveraging a multidisciplinary approach, this study combines data analysis to offer a comprehensive overview of Romania's digital transformation journey. Furthermore, this research delves into the government's initiatives and investments aimed at bridging the digital divide and enhancing the quality and accessibility of public digital services.</em></p> Mirona Ana Maria POPESCU, Andreea BARBU, Iustina-Cristina COSTEA-MARCU, Georgiana MOICEANU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION <p><em>Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are some of the most valuable tools in educational technology today. The use of AI in education is on the rise as more and more AI-based platforms and integrated solutions emerge to support and enhance the learning experience. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of latest research papers, offering diverse perspectives on the current role of AI in education. Spanning from 2018 to 2023, these studies collectively shed light on the far-reaching potential of AI in education, its ethical considerations, and emerging trends in the field. From the pursuit of precision education to tailoring learning experiences, from its effects on administrative tasks to its potential for improving student-teacher interactions, these studies cover a wide range of educational aspects. By synthesizing these research findings, this article aims to offer a holistic understanding of how AI is reshaping the future of education, highlighting the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration between educators and AI experts. As AI continues to revolutionize education, this article underscores the crucial need for addressing ethical concerns and the responsible integration of AI in education, fostering sustainable development in the field.</em></p> Doina Olivia NEGOIȚĂ, Mirona Ana Maria POPESCU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MAKING THE CASE FOR PRICE AUTOMATION IN TRADITIONAL RETAIL OUTLETS <p><em>The purpose of the conducted research is to present specific aspects of consumer behaviour when purchasing fresh milk and to present arguments in favour of pricing automation in retail outlets. The tasks that have been set are systematized in two directions: clarifying the factors that influence the choice and the understanding of consumers about the determination of a "fair" price for fresh milk. The importance of the study stems from the changes in the technological and competitive environment over the last decade, which influence the pricing decisions of retailers, as well as the importance of the fresh milk product to end consumers.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the conducted empirical research can support management at the retail outlet level with ideas for developing marketing models for pricing automation with respect to food staples. The implementation of such models would lead to dynamism of prices over time and would provide greater access to the product at an affordable price for consumers.</em></p> <p><em>In recent years, researchers have alerted about problems related to the realisation of foods. Perishable products among foods are particularly affected. In this regard, the role of pricing as a tool for influencing consumer behaviour and the possibilities of managing sales at the retail outlet level is of interest and, therefore, the focus of the conducted research. The study has practical implications and presents specific arguments in favour of pricing automation and its benefits.</em></p> Evgeniya TONKOVA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 HYBRID MODEL FOR MODELLING TRANSPORTATION CHOICES <p><em>In this paper, we presented a hybrid model that models transport choices across a selected geographic area and considers numerous factors. The idea of our method is as follows: first we select a point on a given grid of points. This point represents our starting point. Based on a specified radius, for example, one hundred kilometres, we select all other points on the grid that fall within that radius. These points represent travel destinations from our starting point. We determine the fastest way to travel from the starting point to all other points, whether it is by train, airplane, train and airplane, or any other mode of transportation if there is no direct flight or train connection. After exploring all the possibilities, we sum up the travel methods from the starting point to all other points. This gives us the predominant mode of transportation within that radius, for example, train. We declare this point as the one for which, within the given radius, the fastest mode of transportation from the starting point to all other points is the train. Now, we move to an adjacent point on the grid and repeat the process. Once all points on the grid have been processed and we return to the initial starting point, we increase the radius to two hundred kilometres and repeat the process. It provides policymakers options for various analyses, which can contribute to more consistent decisions when creating policies and building infrastructure. Our model will enable a graphical display of geographical areas where rail or air transport will prevail as the best choice of transport modality. The distribution of choice will be displayed separately for different trip lengths. Thus, it will be possible to distinguish between the distribution of decisions for trips up to 100, 200... 1000 km, respectively. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Martin FALE, Bojan RUPNIK, Tomaž KRAMBERGER Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL RELOCATION IN ROMANIAN COMPANIES <p><em>The phenomenon of industrial relocations has gained momentum in the last 30 years and is more difficult to be. Through this work, we wanted to analyze the phenomenon of industrial relocation in Romania. This paper analyzes the phenomenon in detail, identifying the main reasons that determine the relocation decision. The benefits and disadvantages in the case of relocating the activity from Romania to another country were discovered and analyzed. The decision to relocate production abroad is a multifaceted process driven by various key factors, each influencing the choice of Romanian companies. The primary factors that businesses take into account while relocating are closely tied to the total cost. Transport expenses, chances to expand the clientele, and availability of skilled workers were all brought up multiple times in this paper. The research method was qualitative, through interviews with decision-makers from the companies participating in the study. The main analyzed industries have industrial production activity in Romania. Through interviews with industry experts, this study reveals the critical determinants and their corresponding outcomes in the field of industrial relocation. </em></p> Beatrice Alexandra ALEXANDRESCU, Dana Corina DESELNICU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DIGITAL TOOLS FOR THE RESILIENCE OF THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: OVERVIEW <p><em>In times of crisis, organizations need to quickly adapt to unexpected disruptions and prevent the halt of their ongoing workflows. The COVID-19 pandemic had wracked havoc across economies worldwide, and the associated toll of lost lives, together with the incommensurable financial losses on the global markets will always be remembered as the defining grim consequences of this crisis that humanity faced. As a side effect, the pressure that it exerted over businesses worldwide has given rise to new ways on how digital tools and can be leveraged to combat intrinsic pandemic effects, such as limited mobility of people and goods, or various types of supply chain inconsistencies. As a result, in the context of medicine, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transition to the concept of “digital health” in health care systems worldwide. In this work we provide an overview of various digital tools and solutions reported in the frame of public and private health care sectors, which have been successfully used during the COVID-19 pandemic as solutions for the resilience of healthcare sectors worldwide. </em></p> Dana-Mihaela STANCIU, Gheorghe MILITARU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 IDENTIFICATION OF CRITICAL FACTORS FOR IMPROVINF THE SECURITY OF TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS <p><em>The objective of this study is to identify the vulnerabilities that can affect the security of telecommunication systems and to determine the critical factors for improving the security of telecommunication systems. The authors conducted a focus group as qualitative method used for this research with twelve specialists who have a technical position and a vast experience in the telecommunication industry to highlight the critical factors for improving the security of the telecommunication systems. Based on the given answers by the specialists, there were identified thirty-one factors that can be spitted in three categories: technological factors, human factors, and legal factors. For the research limitation, the factors were strictly identified based on the given answers by the selected participants to the focus group. As the practical implication, the authors highlighted first the factors that were defined as vulnerabilities for the security of telecommunication system and determined the critical factors that must be monitored on a regular basis by every company to maintain a safe telecommunication system. As the value of this paper, the authors selected twelve important specialists who have a vast experience in this area and using their answers, it was designed a model of the critical factors that will help every company to improve their security capabilities.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Alina-Elena ANCU, Andreea BARBU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THEORETICAL RESEARCH ON THE IMPORTANCE OF FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM <p><em>The purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical elements related to the concept of employee performance in the workplace. The paper will focus on the factors that contribute to increasing the level of performance that an employee achieves in the organizational environment. The most important factors, such as financial income, work environment, employee personality traits, leadership style, rewards, and incentives will be analyzed. The paper will offer a perspective on the relationship established between these factors and employee performance in the workplace. This paper is a starting point for discussing the importance of managers understanding the factors that influence employee performance in order to motivate them continuously and maintain organizational productivity. The paper highlights the benefits felt by both employees and the company through the introduction of the concept of employee performance in the organizational management system. The paper emphasizes that in order to introduce the concept of performance in the workplace into the organizational management system, it is necessary to understand the factors that influence employee development and to develop measures to evaluate them. The novelty of this work stems from the systematic analysis of multiple relationships upon which employees react, thus contributing to performance within the company. It is crucial for all managers to take into account the factors that are directly related to employee performance in the activities they undertake within the company</em></p> Rebecca Ana Maria CHIRIŢĂ, Cristina - Elena UNGUREANU, Ioana-Alexandra SBÎRCEA, Stefan Adrian CIOBĂNESCU, Bogdan FLEACĂ Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THEORETICAL FINDINGS ON INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ADAPTATIONS IN ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS <p><em>The purpose of this paper is to give an overview on the theoretical findings surrounding the adaptation of the international standards in modern organisational management systems. This will include the literature review on international standards such as ISO/IEC/IEEE 15.288:2015, and a series of examples in which standards have been adapted in modern literature to meet the needs of organisational structures. The paper will also explore the benefits and challenges of standard adaptations in organisational management systems highlighted through comparison of two specialised works on system engineering management. Moreover, this paper will contribute to the ongoing debate about the effectiveness of international management standards and the ways in which they can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse organizations. Also, this work brings a unique contribution on how theoretical elements can be adapted for practical use in organisations.</em></p> Cristina - Elena UNGUREANU, Ioana-Alexandra SBÎRCEA , Rebecca Ana Maria CHIRIŢĂ, Bogdan FLEACĂ Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 INSIGHTS INTO THE MANAGER PERSONA’S ROLE IN MODERN ORGANISATIONS <p><em>The purpose of this paper is to provide an outlook on the role of the “manager persona” in modern organisational structures. Topics covered include key traits and competencies which contribute to the success in a managerial role, and mapping of management representation across the organisational landscape. The mapping looks at theoretical elements which support manager personas to drive efficiency at different levels of the organisation. By providing insights into the manager persona and its role in the modern organisational, this paper will contribute to a better understanding of how management roles can enhance effectiveness and contribute to organisational performance. Furthermore, this paper can be a starting point for a debate on the skills and competencies that managerial representatives will need to harness in order to succeed when facing modern opportunities and challenges.</em></p> Cristina - Elena UNGUREANU , Rebecca Ana Maria CHIRIŢĂ , Ioana-Alexandra SBÎRCEA, Elena FLEACĂ Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PUBLIC ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: LOOKING FOR LINKING DRIVERS BETWEEN THE TWO ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES <p><em>The article's aims follow from the observation that Public Accounting and Public Management topics are frequently discussed separately in the international scientific literature. From this initial observation derives the paper's research question, which aims to identify the possible connection themes between the two disciplines. </em><em>In this perspective, a significant interest can be identified in the concept of the full cost. This abstraction usually pertains to the private profit-oriented sector, which finds in the standard cost the alter ego applied in the public sector. The analysis of standard costs in the public sector originates at the European level from the introduction of the Maastricht Treaty parameters in the 1990s and, in particular, from the new accounting discipline introduced by the Treaty. The new discipline has been the basis of many accounting reforms that have taken place in the European context, which have generated, in some countries, the integration (or in some cases, the replacement) of the traditional Cash Basis Accounting (used in the public sector) with the Accrual Basis Accounting (used in the private sector). The paper proposes the following articulation: the analysis of the different cost variations deriving from the different Public Accounting models; the cost analysis for management control purposes; the determination of the different cost configurations; the derivation of the standard cost; and finally, the use of the standard cost as a driver in the reengineering processes implemented by the Public Management. The revision of the organizational models, an activity of Public Management, represents the solution to the critical issues indicated by the cost analysis - particularly the standard cost analysis - implemented by the management control derived from Public Accounting. In this perspective, standard cost (obtained through the full costing methodology) can be considered a significant driver of the conjunction between Public Accounting and Public Management.</em></p> Massimo POLLIFRONI, Gheorghe MILITARU, Adrian IOANA, Riccardo POLLIFRONI Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 CORONAVIRUS 2 - SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME (SARS-COV-2) – THE CRISIS THAT DETERMINED THE PRISON ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM TO REALLY STEP TOWARDS DIGITALIZATION <p><strong><em>Objectives: </em></strong><em>this study aims to present the difficulties that the coronavirus outbreak has brought to the recruitment and staffing process, the solutions identified at that time, as well as the direction in which they can be developed in the future, given that a large part of them were systemic problems, which made it difficult for the system to respond promptly to the crisis situation, but not only. The case study of this paper will be related to the use of digital solutions in the recruitment of staff within the prison administration system, respectively the implications for the resilience of these organizations.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Implications: </em></strong><em>This study is addressed to the human resources workers in the units that make up the prison administration system, but also to the workers with management positions, as all of them will have to use new work tools and knowledge. They will have to improve certain working procedures or even develop new ones. All these things take into account the new risks related to each situation, which will have to be managed and harmonized within the prison administration system’s management plan.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Originality </em></strong><em>Value: through this paper, we will make an inventory of the difficulties that were encountered, the solutions identified at that time, the analysis of the results obtained through those solutions, and finally, we will draw conclusions regarding their keeping, their development in one direction or another, or the abandonment of them, where the situation requires it.</em></p> Ștefan Adrian CIOBĂNESCU , Cristina - Elena UNGUREANU , Rebecca Ana Maria CHIRIŢĂ, Ioana-Alexandra SBÎRCEA Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OPPORTUNITY STUDY ON INCREASING THE NUMBER OF PROSUMERS IN ROMANIA <p><em>The subject of prosumers is a hot topic mainly because of the environmental benefits of renewable electricity generation. At European and national levels, the aim has been to increase the number of prosumers through policies that encourage the practice, but in addition to policies, there are a number of other factors that have a negative or positive influence on the development of the number of prosumers. A number of articles deal with factors such as average income, age, type of housing, and so on in EU countries such as Austria, Poland, UK, but the subject is insufficiently researched, especially in Romania. The research methodology consisted in collecting data available online on the websites of institutions accredited to collect data on the evolution of prosumers and observe the most prosumers and the availability of the national grid in Romanian counties. Subsequently, data on climate, economic, technical and social conditions were collected and studied to see if they influenced the increase in the number of prosumers. The research results highlighted that the analysed factors have an impact on increasing the number of prosumers. In areas where incomes, living standards and climatic factors were above average, technical factors did not discourage the increase in the number of prosumers, but in those with economic and social conditions below the national average and with the electricity grid already loaded, even if the photovoltaic potential is very high, the growth rate is very low. The main results pursued in this paper are the observation of national conditions that influence the increase in the number of prosumers in Romania in order to be able to develop strategies, establish and adopt policies or measures in the future to support prosumers in disadvantaged areas or in energy poverty, and also to reduce the negative impact of the environment.</em></p> Laura-Alexandra DOROFTEI, Petronela-Cristina SIMION, Aguriţa Mariana PȊSLARU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN ANALYSIS OF THE PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES OF THE EMPLOYEES OF A SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY REGARDING THE DIGITIZATION OF PUBLIC SERVICES <p><em>This research explores the impact of digitization on employees in a software development company, focusing on their personal and professional experiences. The study aims to identify their perspectives on digitising public services and offers suggestions for improvement. Qualitative research, including a focus group, was used to gather insights. The results highlight the advantages and challenges of digitizing public services. Positive aspects include fast online payments and improved administrative efficiency. However, technical issues and communication problems pose challenges. To enhance digitization, the study recommends investing in infrastructure, cybersecurity, and digital education. Additionally, fostering partnerships and implementing agile approaches can drive continuous innovation and improvement.&nbsp; The findings contribute to understanding successful digital public service development and offer insights for future research on technology adoption within public institutions.</em></p> Andreea BARBU, Mirona Ana-Maria POPESCU, Iustina-Cristina COSTEA-MARCU, Gheorghe MILITARU, Corina DESELNICU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF CRISIS - WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AN EMPATHETIC LEADER IN THE CRUCIAL MOMENTS OF THE COMPANY? – A REVIEW <p><em>Empathy refers to the recognition and personal experience of emotions felt by individuals experiencing emotional pressure. This attribute proves useful for a business leader as it encourages employees to voice their concerns to an empathetic leader who is more receptive to their needs. </em><em>What qualities should a leader/manager have in general? </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>This paper analyzes the strategies that an empathetic leader should practice during economic or other crises and the characteristics necessary for developing empathy towards employees. </em><em>A leader is required to possess the power to mitigate the negative effects of bankruptcy on their personnel and other stakeholders, utilizing empathy. Additionally, it is necessary for leaders to promote a culture of trust and respect within the organization they manage. </em><em>It's important for leaders to make the same sacrifices, to live the same experiences as their team members, and to build trust, which is incredibly important for achieving team performance and loyalty.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Paula TUDOR Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EMPLOYEE RETENTION IN ROMANIA. <p><em>Employee retention is a critical aspect of organizational success in today's competitive business environment.</em><em> This study presents a quantitative research methodology aimed at investigating employee retention, focusing on two primary objectives. Firstly, it seeks to identify the root causes of high turnover rates within an organization, including factors such as dissatisfaction with compensation, limited opportunities for growth, work-life balance issues, management challenges, and other potential contributors. Secondly, the research aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of employee expectations concerning the workplace and the organization.</em> <em>The study's findings contribute to the development of evidence-based strategies for employee retention, tailored to address the identified root causes and align with employee expectations. By quantitatively analyzing these crucial aspects, organizations can make informed decisions and implement practices that foster a more engaged and satisfied workforce, ultimately reducing turnover rates and enhancing overall productivity and success.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Mirona Ana Maria POPESCU, Petronela Cristina SIMION, Ioanis PUFLEANU Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THEORETICAL RESEARCH ON THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION IN ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM <p><em>The topic chosen for this paper is relevant to all small, medium, and large companies as it highlights the importance of human resources. The paper analyzes the level of job satisfaction in relation to the rewards and benefits obtained as a result of the effort made within the organization. The aim is to discuss the theoretical elements regarding the concept of performance and satisfaction in the field of human resources through specialized literature research, in order to understand the importance of developing employee performance evaluation techniques. The authors provide an overview of theoretical findings on the level of job satisfaction, which is reflected in the desire to work. Rewards are established in direct relation to the effort made and the level of performance achieved, and this is an important topic in all companies. The compensation policies in an organization represent cost undertakings, and the compensation system tries to ensure efficient administration and cost control with personnel. Finally, the paper contributes to a deep understanding of the importance of relevant linkage between performance evaluation and motivation of human resources in the organization, thus enabling companies to achieve their established objectives</em></p> Rebecca Ana Maria CHIRIŢĂ, Cristina - Elena UNGUREANU, Ioana-Alexandra SBÎRCEA, Stefan Adrian CIOBĂNESCU, Petruţa MIHAI Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000