THE USE OF NEW EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR PREPARING STUDENTS IN ENGINEERING : An innovative perspective on entrepreneurship and competitiveness
educational technologies, engineering education, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, innovation.Abstract
This paper aims to explore the use of new educational technologies for preparing students in engineering, with a focus on innovative approaches to entrepreneurship and competitiveness. The study was conducted using mixed-methods approach, including a literature review and a survey of high school students in Bucharest, using a questionnaire as the research instrument.
The implications of this study are significant for both academics and practitioners in the field of engineering education. By highlighting the perspectives and needs of high schools students, this paper provides insights into the potential of new technologies to enhance the quality of education and prepare students for future careers in engineering. These findings can inform the development of new research and practice methodologies in the field.
The key contribution of this paper is to demonstrate the unique value of new educational technologies for preparing students in engineering, as well as the potential of survey research in understanding student perspectives and needs. By highlighting the importance of innovative approaches to entrepreneurship and competitiveness, this paper offers an original perspective on the potential of these technologies to enhance the quality of engineering education and prepare students for future success.
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