
  • Andrei Iulian MĂRGĂRIT National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest



entrepreneurial development, government policies, rural metropolitan areas, policy makers


The rapid urbanization and globalization of our world have positioned metropolitan areas as focal points for economic, social and technological advancement. Consequently, the study of entrepreneurship within these dynamic environments has gained significant attention from researchers. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the contemporary state of research concerning the evolution of entrepreneurship within metropolitan areas and also reviews the current landscapes of research. As urban centers continue to grow and evolve, they have become crucial hubs for entrepreneurial activities and innovation. The article synthesizes recent studies on various aspects of entrepreneurship in metropolitan environments, including factors influencing entrepreneurial growth, the role of local ecosystems, policy interventions and the impact of technological advancements. The role of local ecosystems in nurturing and sustaining entrepreneurial ventures is explored, along with the influence of government policies and regulatory frameworks. By examining the latest findings and trends, this article aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how entrepreneurship is unfolding in metropolitan settings and to highlight potential avenues for further research, moreover it concludes by identifying potential research directions and implications for policymakers aiming to support and enhance entrepreneurial endeavors in these urban centers.


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How to Cite

MĂRGĂRIT, A. I. . (2023). THE CURRENT STATE OF RESEARCH ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN METROPOLITAN AREAS. International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering, 11, 55–60.