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Nume și prenume | First name / surname |
PURDESCU Claudiu Adrian | Claudiu Adrian PURDESCU |
Grad didactic | Position |
Șef de lucrări | Lecturer |
Date de contact | Contact information |
E-mail: claudiu.purdescu@upb.ro Adresa birou: Sala BN 214 Website: https://faima.upb.ro/management_colectiv.php Canal youtube: Invatamant modern | E-mail: claudiu.purdescu@upb.ro Office address: Sala BN 214 Website: https://faima.upb.ro/management_colectiv.php Canal youtube: Invatamant modern |
Scurtă biografie (educație, locuri de muncă) | Short biography |
Am inceput activitatea in cadrul UPB la finalul secolului trecut, in calitate de student si am continuat-o apoi, incepand din anul 2004, in calitate de cadru didactic.
Pe parcursul celor aproape doua decenii de activitate didactica, am contribuit la formarea unui numar de peste 10.000 studenti, insuflandu-le pasiunea pentru studiu si placerea de a descoperi pas cu pas, ce inseamna lumea afacerilor si cum poate fi imbunatatita activitatea unei firme. 2004 – Absolvent al Facultatii de Transporturi din cadrul UPB, specializarea TET 2006 – Absolvent al programului de master Managementul Calitatii din cadrul UPB, Departament Management 2013 – Titlu de doctor in Inginerie Industriala, cu teza intitulata: Consideratii tehnico-economice privind cresterea performantelor sistemului logistic din organizatiile industriale. |
I started my work at the UPB at the end of the last century, as a student and then continuing it, from 2004, as a teacher.
During the almost two decades of teaching activity, I have contributed to the training of more than 10,000 students, instilling in them the passion for study and the pleasure of discovering step by step what the world of business means and how can be improved the firm’s activity. 2004 – Graduated from the Faculty of Transport within UPB, TET specialization 2006 – Graduated from the Quality Management master's program at UPB, Management Department 2013 – Doctorate in Industrial Engineering, with the thesis entitled: Economical and technical aspects regarding the improvement of the logistics system performance from industrial organizations. |
Activitate didactică (discipline predate) | Teaching |
Logistica si Managementul Lantului de Aprovizionare
Industrial Logistics Fundamentals of Management Applied Informatics |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Industrial Logistics Fundamentals of Management Applied Informatics |
Domenii de cercetare | Research interest |
Activitatea mea de cercetare tinteste cu precadere domeniul IT, fiind preocupat inspre dezvoltarea si utilizarea de aplicatii software ce servesc pe de o parte la imbunatatirea proceselor si activitatilor logistice si manageriale din cadrul firmelor si pe de alta parte la infrumusetarea actului didactic, oferind studentilor o perspectiva foarte moderna de invatare si sporind in mod evident obiectivitatea procesului de evaluare, prin utilizarea aplicatiilor complexe dezvoltate pe platforma Moodle, acest lucru conducand la cresterea motivatiei si satisfactiei in randul studentilor. | My research activity mainly aims at the IT field, being concerned with the development and use of software applications that serve on one hand to improve the processes and logistic and managerial activities within companies and on the other hand to enhance the didactic act, providing to the students a modern learning perspective and obviously increasing the objectivity of the evaluation process, by using complex applications developed on the Moodle platform, this leading to increased motivation and satisfaction among students. |
Publicații relevante | Publication |
Claudiu Adrian Purdescu, Florentina Purdescu (2019), A software solution for minimizing the out-of-stock risk in a retail store, The 9th International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE 2019), Bucureşti, România, November 14th – 16th, pp. 453–461, ISSN 2344-0937, indexed in ProQuest Database, UK, WOS: 000519338200045
C. Purdescu, A. Barbu, I. Costea-Marcu (2022), THE USE OF VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS’ VOICES TO ENHANCE THE ONLINE EDUCATION CLASSES, 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2022 Proceedings, pp. 10054-10061, ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9, ISSN: 2340-1079, doi: 10.21125/inted.2022 C. Purdescu (2022), A HIGHLY ENGAGING EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR THE COURSE CLASSES BASED ON RANKING THE STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCES, 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2022 Proceedings, pp. 10110-10116, ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9, ISSN: 2340-1079, doi: 10.21125/inted.2022 |
Claudiu Adrian Purdescu, Florentina Purdescu (2019), A software solution for minimizing the out-of-stock risk in a retail store, The 9th International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE 2019), Bucureşti, România, November 14th – 16th, pp. 453–461, ISSN 2344-0937, indexed in ProQuest Database, UK, WOS: 000519338200045
C. Purdescu, A. Barbu, I. Costea-Marcu (2022), THE USE OF VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS’ VOICES TO ENHANCE THE ONLINE EDUCATION CLASSES, 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2022 Proceedings, pp. 10054-10061, ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9, ISSN: 2340-1079, doi: 10.21125/inted.2022 C. Purdescu (2022), A HIGHLY ENGAGING EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR THE COURSE CLASSES BASED ON RANKING THE STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCES, 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2022 Proceedings, pp. 10110-10116, ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9, ISSN: 2340-1079, doi: 10.21125/inted.2022 |
Alte publicații | Other publications |
Profil Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=m8yhcckAAAAJ Profil ResearchGate: ID ORCID: | Google Scholar Profile : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=m8yhcckAAAAJ ResearchGate Profile : ID ORCID: |