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Nume și prenume | First name / surname |
SIMION Petronela Cristina | Petronela Cristina SIMION |
Grad didactic | Position |
Conferențiar | Associate professor |
Date de contact | Contact information |
E-mail: petronela.simion@upb.ro Adresa birou: Sala BN 213 Website: https://faima.upb.ro/management_colectiv.php | E-mail: petronela.simion@upb.ro Office address: Sala BN 213 Website: https://faima.upb.ro/management_colectiv.php |
Scurtă biografie (educație, locuri de muncă) | Short biography |
A obținut diploma de inginer diplomat, profilul Inginerie Economică, specializarea Inginerie economică în energetică şi electrotehnică în anul 2002 la Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București și diploma de Studii Academice Postuniversitare de Management, specializarea Managementul Întreprinderilor Mici şi Mijlocii la Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucureşti, Departamentul de Management, Catedra de Management Industrial în anul 2005. Titlul de doctor l-a obținut în domeniul ingineriei industriale în anul 2012 la Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București. A început ca asistent universitar în anul 2002 la Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucureşti, iar acum este conferențiar titular la aceeaşi universitate, Departamentul de Antreprenoriat şi Management. | She obtained the Engineer Diploma, Economic Engineering profile, Economic Engineering in Energy and Electrotechnical specialization in 2002 at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and the Diploma of Post-University Academic Studies in Management, specializing in the Management of Small and Medium Enterprises at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Department of Management , Department of Industrial Management in 2005. She obtained her Ph.D. in the field of industrial engineering in 2012 at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. She started as a university assistant in 2002 at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, and now she is teaching assistant at same university, Department of Entrepreneurship and Management. |
Activitate didactică (discipline predate) | Teaching |
Antreprenoriat, Marketing, Managementul marketingului, Politici și strategii de afaceri, Management, Afaceri cu produse inovative, Cercetări de marketing | Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Marketing Management, Business Policies and Strategies, Management, Business with Innovative Products, Marketing Research |
Domenii de cercetare | Research interest |
Domeniile sale de cercetare și interes se axează pe teme de antreprenoriat, marketing digital, managementul infrastructurilor critice, cercetări de marketing, management, economie energetică, strategii de afaceri. | Research and interest areas focus on entrepreneurship, digital marketing, critical infrastructure management, marketing research, management, energy economy, business strategies. |
Publicații relevante | Publication |
1. Popescu, C.A, Simion, P.C. “A Metod for Defining Critical Infrastructures”. Energy-The International Journal, Editura Elsevier, vol.42, ISSN: 0360-5442, pp. 32-34 DOI: 10.2016/j.energy.2011.09.025, Impact Factor: 3.651 (Q3), WOS: 000304975500005.
2. Barbu, A., Simion, P.C., Popescu, M.A.M., Costea-Marcu, I.C., Popescu, M.V., (2020), Exploratory Study of the BPM Tools Used by Romanian Industrial Service Companies to Increase Business Performance,TEM Journal, 9(2), pp. 546-551, WOS:000537903600016x. 3. Simion, P.C., Militaru, Gh., Popescu, M., Popescu , C.A. Security of digital marketing operations to improve small business performance. Proceedings of the 31th International Business Information Management Association Conference, 25-26 Aprilie 2018, Milano, Italia, ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, pp.6644- 6653, WOS: 000444067203090 | 1. Popescu, C.A, Simion, P.C. “A Metod for Defining Critical Infrastructures”. Energy-The International Journal, Editura Elsevier, vol.42, ISSN: 0360-5442, pp. 32-34 DOI: 10.2016/j.energy.2011.09.025, Impact Factor: 3.651 (Q3), WOS: 000304975500005.
2. Barbu, A., Simion, P.C., Popescu, M.A.M., Costea-Marcu, I.C., Popescu, M.V., (2020), Exploratory Study of the BPM Tools Used by Romanian Industrial Service Companies to Increase Business Performance,TEM Journal, 9(2), pp. 546-551, WOS:000537903600016x. 3. Simion, P.C., Militaru, Gh., Popescu, M., Popescu , C.A. Security of digital marketing operations to improve small business performance. Proceedings of the 31th International Business Information Management Association Conference, 25-26 Aprilie 2018, Milano, Italia, ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, pp.6644- 6653, WOS: 000444067203090 |
Alte publicații | Other publications |
Profil Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=zC45tvcAAAAJ Profil ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Petronela-Cristina-Simion-2175588110 ID ORCID: | Google Scholar Profile : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=zC45tvcAAAAJ ResearchGate Profile : https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Petronela-Cristina-Simion-2175588110 ID ORCID: |