De ce FAIMA?
Facultatea de Antreprenoriat, Ingineria și Managementul Afacerilor anunță depunerea candidaturilor pentru funcția de decan, mandatul 2024-2029, etapa a II-a
Name | Curriculum Vitae | Program Managerial |
Dobrescu Răzvan Mihai | Curriculum Vitae | Program Managerial |
Mihai Petruța | Curriculum Vitae | Program Managerial |
Negoiță Olivia Doina | Curriculum Vitae | Program Managerial |
Niculescu Andrei | Curriculum Vitae | Program Managerial |
Calendar alegeri Decan etapa a 2-a, 2024-2029 AICI
Facultatea de Antreprenoriat, Ingineria și Managementul Afacerilor anunță demararea concursului de ocupare a funcției de Decan.
Anunț concurs Decan AICI
Metodologie concurs Decan AICI
• Ca student la facultatea noastră vei avea parte de
experiențe memorabile alături de colegi și de profesorii
• Dacă ești interesat să înființezi propria afacere sau
să înveți noțiuni esențiale de ingineria afacerilor,
atunci FAIMA este alegerea ideală.
• De asemenea, facultatea noastră oferă un spectrularg de posibilități pentru dezvoltarea personală și
angajarea în medii de lucru variate.
- ⇒Peste 85% dintre absolvenți își găsesc un loc de muncă în domeniul studiat.
- ⇒ Peste 6% dintre absolvenți au înființat propria afacere.
- ⇒ Peste 35% dintre absolvenți ocupă funcții de conducere.

Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management - FAIMA was founded in the spring of 2010, from The Management Department of Politehnica University of Bucharest (UPB).
FAIMA is functioning like any Faculty of UPB, in accordance to Government Decision (HG). no. 749/2009 as amended and supplemented.
FAIMA awards Engineer Diplomas in "Engineering and Management", issued by UPB - Romanian Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, at graduation of its undergraduate studies.
FAIMA undergraduate studies specializations are:
- Business Engineering and Management;
- Economic Engineering in the Electrical, Energy and Electronics Sector;
- Economic Engineering in Chemical and Materials Industry.
FAIMA also offers Master and PhD Programs (in "Industrial Engineering") corresponding to cycles I, II and III of the Bologna system. After the 4 years of undergraduate studies, the Master Programs provided by FAIMA ensure a very good compatibility with the quality requirements imposed by European standards for higher education, in the context of ongoing developments in the EU labor market. FAME ensure a performing, engineering and managerial training based on creativity and practice, giving students a real chance to compete in the labor market, including in the entrepreneurial field who knows a continuous development in recent years. Faculty addresses both young people interested to build a career in the business world (in industry and in other sectors), and those who want to develop their own business. The professors are nationally and internationally renowned specialists, and exert the knowledge transfer in an interactive manner, permanently connected to practice, providing all the necessary conditions to stimulate students' thinking, practice and skills.
FAIMA offers students a consistent material base, providing a modern library equipped with books of interest for the specialization area "Business Management and Engineering", such as: management, marketing, human resource management, organizational development, finance, project management, business communication, strategic management, quality management and other monographs, books and valuable works on specific related areas. Most books belong to prestigious publishers like Prentice Hall, McGraw Hill, Pearson, Teora, Niculescu and others. FAIMA also has modern teaching laboratories in which students can practice on useful software simulations for developing their managerial skills, such as: The Marketing Game, Primavera, Adonis, Adoscore, MS Project and so on. Based on a bi-univocal relationship between academia and the business world, the Faculty has close relationships with major international corporations (HP, Siemens, Porsche, Hornbach, Salesianer Miettex etc.), ensuring that the graduates can successfully meet the selection criteria imposed by the employment grids rigors.