
Economic science teaching in Romanian technical higher education has an old and rich tradition, this activity being successfully represented by the Department of Economics.
The time horizon to which we refer is 135 years , first lectures on economical sciences taught to engineers dating from the second half of the nineteenth century
After the Second World War, from the beginning of the 1948 reform , through the Decision of the Ministry of Education, no. 296253/1 December 1948 , within Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, it was decided to set up a department of political economy for the common courses part, beside framing it with two professor open positions.

By the successive decisions of the Council of Ministers (HCM no. 1802/11 September 1952 , HCM no. 2688/1953 and 2727/1953 , and also in the school year 1954-1955 ) , it was set up the functioning of an faculty for economists engineers with the study duration of 5 years, having the departments: electrotechnics , mechanics, chemical industry, metallurgy ( steel and nonferrous metals subsections ) , constructions and the Faculty of Economic Engineering (5 years) with the following specializations :
- Organization and planning of energetic and electrotechnical industry;
- Organization and planning of telecommunication industry ;
- Organization and planning of machine building industry ;
- Organizing and planning of chemical industry ;
- Organization and planning metallurgical industry .

By the decision of the Council of Ministers (HCM no. 778/1962 ), within the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest is established Faculty of Agricultural Mechanics , the Political Economy Department being part of it.
After 1990, the Department of Political Economy of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and changed its name into the Department of Economics , currently offering lectures on a variety of economic subjects at faculties of the University "Politehnica" of Bucharest.
Economic sciences teaching tradition within University Politehnica of Bucharest was built by the well known Romanian economists such as Mihail Manoilescu, that was the head of the Department of Political Economy and Rationalization of Bucharest Polytechnic School between 1931-1944.