Since 1934-1935, the conference cycle "Machine tools and factory organization" has been introduced in the training program for future engineers, early taught by Dipl. engineer Nicolae Stanescu and continued by Dr. Gheorghe Manea.
From 1940 to 1948, this course gained the status of an independent discipline entitled "Planning, organization and operation of plants" and was thought to students from Electromechanics section.
The first book in this domain was published in 1944 in Romanian by Prof. Gh Manea: "Elements of planning, organization and operation of plants". The book was awarded in 1946 by the Romanian Academy of Science in 1946.
Two years later (1946) the Department of Organization and Firms Management was founded in Politehnica of Bucharest. After 1989, this department became the Chair of Industrial Management.
In 2002 the Department of Management was established, encompassing three different entitites: Industrial Management Department, Department of Economics and Center for Management Research.
Since 2010 the Department of Management has been part of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Business Management (FAIMA) as the main founder, having the new title of Management Department.
Through the activities which have taken place from its creation, the Department of Management has directly contributed to the thorough education of over 50 promotions Politehnica University of Bucharest engineers who graduated during this time.