artificial intelligence (AI), legal regulation of AI, risks, biases and errors introduced into AI systemsAbstract
The paper aims to present the results of the studies carried out over time worldwide, and especially in the last seven years, when the field of artificial intelligence begins to produce consequences of which human society begins to be aware, and for which it is imperative to the field to be regulated legislatively. In our country, Romania, the first National Strategy on AI was drawn up in 2019, but real concerns were manifested only in 2022.
At the level of the European Union, the EU Act on AI of July 28th, 2023, wants to regulate work with AI. Academics are concerned about various unclear elements in the proposal, such as the broad definition of what constitutes AI, and fear the legal implications, in particular, for vulnerable groups such as patients and immigrants. The law classifies AI applications into four risk groups: low, limited, high, and unacceptable. The problem of bias in machine learning is likely to become more significant as technology spreads to critical fields such as medicine and law and as more people without deep technical understanding are tasked with implementing it. Some experts warn that algorithmic bias is already pervasive in many industries and that almost no one is trying to identify or correct it. Some solutions are mentioned to deal with the challenges caused by AI and rapid technological development affecting jobs.
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