Worship settlement, Urban agglomeration, Urban planning, Planning function, Management functionsAbstract
This paper aims at proposing a topic less discussed: early human worship settlements and ancient urban agglomerations as the roots of strategic management thinking in urban planning and strategic development. The purpose is to explore as back as human ancient times to identify early means for time reckoning (i.e. solar calendars) that made possible strategic thinking and multi-year planning. The solar calendar as time-reckoning system was an essential element for strategic, multi-year planning – corresponding to the basic management function: planning (including reliable forecasting) – vital for designing the urban settlements, while considering the communities’ needs for a livable environment, resources and security, in their dynamic (population growth).
The two focal points of investigation (early human worship settlements and ancient urban agglomerations) are coherently linked by highlighting the essential dimension needed for planning: the time dimension. They are also linked by an arch in time that supports the results reported by archaeologists using top technologies: genetics and radio-carbon chronology. Essentially qualitative, the study is completed with quantitative elements when possible. Mainly, secondary research (literature survey) is used, supported by primary research (as observation) illustrated by examples – from both the Romanian and international environments. The findings are critically important for understanding the evolution of urban agglomerations and urban strategic planning from multiple modern perspectives: function/s of scientific management, current trends of strategic thinking, and current urban development issues (i.e. sustainability, smart city). Their implications are also helpful for both scholars and practitioners while designing, updating and implementing urban plans.
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