Corona-virus pandemic, Post-pandemic business effects, Strategic thinking, Business networking, Technology acceleration, Digital accelerator, Digital maturityAbstract
The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has had both global and local effects, at macro and micro levels, shock impact and long-lasting consequences, acting as a threat mainly, and sometimes turning as opportunity – even as an accelerator of existing digitalization trends – leading to shifts in business models, changes in processes, and alterations in operations. On top of these, this pandemic has significantly changed business course, thus marking the evolution of strategic thinking. In this regard the paper purpose is to investigate the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in a limited business area (strategy-linked and company-level).
This paper is essentially qualitative. As methodology, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from pandemic start to-date (2020–2023), predominantly based on secondary research (literature survey, studies and statistical data) as well as primary research (observation completed with examples). The results are selectively presented in two sections: (i) business cooperation and networking; and (ii) technology acceleration and digitalization as strategy – as major post-pandemic strategy-linked business results. The main findings are highlighted and several provocative issues were launched. The study ends with conclusions, research limitations and further research paths
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