telecommunication system, security, critical factors, risks, vulnerabilitiesAbstract
The objective of this study is to identify the vulnerabilities that can affect the security of telecommunication systems and to determine the critical factors for improving the security of telecommunication systems. The authors conducted a focus group as qualitative method used for this research with twelve specialists who have a technical position and a vast experience in the telecommunication industry to highlight the critical factors for improving the security of the telecommunication systems. Based on the given answers by the specialists, there were identified thirty-one factors that can be spitted in three categories: technological factors, human factors, and legal factors. For the research limitation, the factors were strictly identified based on the given answers by the selected participants to the focus group. As the practical implication, the authors highlighted first the factors that were defined as vulnerabilities for the security of telecommunication system and determined the critical factors that must be monitored on a regular basis by every company to maintain a safe telecommunication system. As the value of this paper, the authors selected twelve important specialists who have a vast experience in this area and using their answers, it was designed a model of the critical factors that will help every company to improve their security capabilities.
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